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lay one's course

  • 1 lay one's heads together

    советоваться, совещаться, обсуждать; договориться

    ...Harris and four others... put their heads together and agreed upon the course. (R. L. Stevenson, ‘The Master of Ballantrae’, ch. XI) —...Гаррис и четверо других... сразу столковались и определили план действий.

    ‘And now,’ said Machiavelli, ‘let us put our heads together and think out some way to get rid of our good Bartolomeo again.’ (W. S. Maugham, ‘Then and Now’, ch. XXIV) — - А сейчас, - сказал Макиавелли, - давайте все вместе подумаем, как нам еще раз избавиться от нашего милого Бартоломео.

    Cokane: "...My dear sir: you are really very good. Trench and I were putting our heads together over the letter just now and there certainly were one or two points on which we were a little in the dark." (B. Shaw, ‘Widowers' Houses’, act I) — Кокейн: "...Дорогой мистер Сарториус, вы, право, очень добры. Мы с Тренчем как раз ломали голову над этим письмом; и правда, есть тут один или два пункта, которые для нас не ясны."

    Roberts did it - that's the point and we must put our heads together and prove that he did it. (A. Christie, ‘Cards on the Table’, ch. XII) — Дело в том, что это убийство совершил Робертс, и мы должны вместе обсудить все обстоятельства и доказать его вину.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > lay one's heads together

  • 2 lay

    I 1. lei past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) legge (ned)
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) legge
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) dekke på (bordet); (plan)legge
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) legge flat
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) få til å legge seg, mane bort
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) verpe, legge egg
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) vedde
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) legge, legge lagvis
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III lei adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) legmann
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) legfolk
    IV lei noun
    (an epic poem.) kvad
    subst. \/leɪ\/
    1) stilling, situasjon, posisjon, måten noe ligger på
    2) ( om tau) slagning (måte som tauverk er blitt slått på)
    3) ( slang) jobb, arbeid, spesialitet, bransje
    4) ( sjøfart) forhyring på part eller lott
    5) ( sjøfart) andel i hvalfangst e.l.
    6) (amer.) pris
    7) ( om høner e.l.) verping
    8) (slang, nedsettende) kvinnelig seksualpartner
    hun er lett å få i sengen, hun er løs på tråden
    9) (slang, vulgært) nummer (samleie)
    10) ( om vev) slagbom
    subst. \/ˈleɪ\/ ( poetisk)
    1) kvad, sang, ballade, vise
    2) fuglesang
    verb \/leɪ\/
    pret. av ➢ lie, 4
    verb ( laid - laid) \/leɪ\/
    1) legge, plassere
    2) glatte, presse, slette, få til å ligge
    3) ( gammeldags eller overført) dempe, stilne, få til å legge seg
    4) ( om støv) dempe, binde
    5) dekke, duke, gjøre ferdig, gjøre istand
    legge i peisen, lage bål
    6) dekke, dekke over, dekke til, legge på, belegge
    legge farge på noe, smøre farge på noe, stryke farge på noe
    gulvet er belagt med linoleum, gulvet har linoleumsbelegg
    7) ( overført) legge, legge på, ilegge, kaste, gi
    8) anlegge, bygge, legge, strekke
    9) ( ved gambling) sette, holde, vedde
    I'll lay you £10 that the dark horse will win the race
    10) henlegge til, legge til, foregå
    scenen utspiller seg på badet, handlingen foregår på badet
    11) legge frem, forelegge, fremføre, fremlegge
    12) gjøre opp, tenke ut, bestemme seg for
    13) (sjøfart, om tau) slå, legge tauverk
    14) ( sjøfart) komme, gå
    15) ( slang) ligge med, ha sex
    16) ( om fugler) verpe, legge egg
    get laid ( vulgært) få seg et nummer
    be laid up ( hverdagslig) ligge syk, være syk, være sengeliggende, holde sengen, være til sengs
    lay aback ( sjøfart) brase bakk
    lay a bet vedde, vedde på, inngå et veddemål
    lay aboard eller lay alongside ( sjøfart) legge seg langsides (løpe tett opp langs siden på et skip for å entre det)
    lay about ( hverdagslig) gå løs på, slå vilt rundt seg
    lay a charge anklage, komme med en anklage
    (for) ( sjøfart eller overført) holde stø kurs (mot) holde kursen (mot) stikke ut en kurs (mot), sette kurs (for\/mot)
    lay against vedde imot
    lay a ghost eller lay the ghost glemme vonde minner
    lay a gun rette en kanon (mot), rette inn en kanon
    lay aloft ( sjøfart) entre (i kommando)
    lay an egg ( om tabbe) legge et egg
    lay an information against ( jus) angi, inngi anmeldelse på
    lay aside legge til side, spare
    reservere, sette av
    legge bort, legge fra seg, legge til side
    gi opp, slutte, legge av seg
    lay back ( hverdagslig) slappe av, koble av, ta det rolig
    lay bare blottlegge, røpe, avsløre, blotte
    lay by ( om penger) legge til side, spare ( sjøfart) legge bi
    lay claim to gjøre krav på
    lay close ( seiling) ligge tett opptil vinden
    lay damages at ( jus) fastsette skadeserstatning til, fastsette skadeserstatning
    lay down legge ned, legge fra seg
    legge ned, nedlegge, stenge, gi opp
    satse, legge på bordet, holde, deponere
    how much are you ready to lay down?
    bygge, konstruere, anlegge
    fastsette, fastslå, sette opp, utarbeide
    after independence, a new map was laid down
    ( om lyd) ta opp, spille inn legge ut
    lagre, legge ned, hermetisere
    lay down one's arms legge ned våpnene, overgi seg
    lay dry tørrlegge
    lay eyes on ( litterært) kaste sitt blikk på, få øye på
    lay fallow ( jordbruk) legge brakk
    lay flat slå ned, slå overende jevne med jorden
    lay for (amer., hverdagslig) snike på, legge seg på lur, legge seg i bakhold, holde seg klar til å slå til
    lay hands on angripe legge hendene på for å helbrede få tak i
    lay hold of gripe, fange, ta tak i
    lay in utstyre seg med, kjøpe inn, hamstre ( sjøfart) legge inn, ta inn
    ( hverdagslig) tildele, få inn
    lay in (there) ( hverdagslig) holde stø kurs
    lay into ( hverdagslig) angripe fysisk eller verbalt gå inn for med liv og sjel
    lay it on ( hverdagslig) (overført, også lay it on thick eller lay it on with a trowel)
    overdrive, smøre tjukt på irettesette strengt
    lay it on the line snakke åpent ut, legge kortene på bordet
    lay low slå ned, drepe, begrave slå ut, tvinge til å ligge til sengs
    fornedre, ydmyke
    lay off legge til siden permittere, avskjedige, si opp krysse av, merke av, måle
    ( hverdagslig) stå over, la være ( hverdagslig) kutte ut, slutte å irritere
    lay off the complaining!
    ( hesteveddeløp) vedde med en annen bookmaker for å dekke forventet tap i et løp beskytte et veddemål eller risikoprosjekt ved å ta en annen sjanse ( sjøfart) seile fra, legge fra, legge fra land ( sjøfart) ligge utenfor (en havn) ( hverdagslig) ta fri, hvile, hente seg inn ( fotball) sende en pasning
    lay on dekke med, applikere, legge på
    slå løs på, denge, gå til angrep på
    ( sjøfart) seile mot ( sjøfart) ro med kraftige tak (britisk, hverdagslig) spandere
    legge inn, innstallere
    ( hverdagslig) ordne, fikse, arrangere
    ( hverdagslig) sette på sporet
    lay one's cards on the table ( overført) legge kortene på bordet
    lay oneself open to ( overført) blottstille seg, stille seg lagelig til (for hogg), gi anledning til, åpne for
    lay oneself out ( særlig britisk) anstrenge seg, legge seg i selen
    lay out legge ut, legge frem, legge utover, bre ut
    stelle et lik, legge på likstrå ( hverdagslig) slå ut, slå sanseløs, slå ihjel legge ut penger, legge penger i anstrenge seg, gjøre en innsats, legge seg i selen planlegge, anlegge
    ( typografi) lage layout legge ut (i det vide og det brede)
    lay over dekke over (amer., slang) overgå (spesielt amer.) hoppe over, utsette (amer.) gjøre et opphold, overnatte, ligge over
    lay siege to ( også overført) beleire, invadere
    lay someone low (hverdagslig, om sykdom) gjøre noen sengeliggende, svekke noen
    lay someone open to utsette noen for en risiko
    lay someone to rest ( forskjønnende) legge noen til den siste hvile, stede til hvile, begrave noen
    lay something at someone's door ( overført) legge ansvar på noen, legge skyld på noen
    lay something on the table (særlig amer.) utsette noe på ubestemt tid, legge noe på hyllen
    lay store by sette pris på, verdsette
    lay to ( sjøfart) legge bi, dreie til ( sjøfart) søke nødhavn angripe (kraftig) bruke krefter, ta i
    lay up ( om penger eller verdier) legge (seg opp), samle, spare ( om sykdom e.l.) gjøre sengeliggende, sette ut av spill ( sjøfart) legge i opplag ( sjøfart) legge tauverk, slå ( golf) slå et løst slag for å unngå risiko ( murerfag) sette opp, konstruere ( overført) skaffe seg, pådra seg
    lay waste eller lay something to waste ødelegge, legge øde, rasere
    lay weight on legge vekt på
    adj. \/ˈleɪ\/
    lekmanns-, lek-

    English-Norwegian dictionary > lay

  • 3 lay

    I [leɪ] II [leɪ]
    1) [ worker] non esperto, non specializzato
    2) relig. [preacher, member] laico
    III [leɪ]
    nome pop. spreg. chiavata f., scopata f.
    IV 1. [leɪ]
    verbo transitivo (pass., p.pass. laid)
    1) (place) posare, porre, mettere [object, card]; (spread out) stendere [rug, blanket, covering]; (arrange) collocare, disporre; deporre [ wreath]

    to lay hands on sth. — fig. (find) mettere mano a qcs.

    to lay hands on sb. — relig. imporre le mani su qcn

    2) (set for meal) apparecchiare, mettere [ table]
    3) (prepare) preparare [fire, plan]; gettare [basis, foundation]; tendere [ trap]
    4) (fix in place) posare [carpet, tiles, cable, mine]; costruire [railway, road]
    5) zool. deporre [ egg]
    6) fig. sporgere [charge, complaint]; muovere [ accusation]; gettare [curse, spell]

    to lay stress o emphasis on sth. — porre l'accento su qcs

    7) (bet) puntare [ money] (on su)
    8) pop. (have sex with) scopare
    verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. laid) [ bird] deporre le uova

    to lay a finger o hand on sb. — (beat) alzare un dito contro qcn., mettere le mani addosso a qcn

    * * *
    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.)
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.)
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.)
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.)
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.)
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.)
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.)
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) scalare; fare a strati
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.)
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.)
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)
    * * *
    I [leɪ] adj
    Rel laico (-a), secolare, (brother, sister) laico (-a), (fig: non-specialist) profano (-a)
    II [leɪ] pt
    lie II
    III [leɪ] laid pt, pp
    1. vt
    1) (put, set) mettere, posare, (carpet) stendere, (bricks) posare, (cable, pipe) installare, fare la posa di, (trail) lasciare, (subj: bird: egg) deporre, fare

    to lay the facts/one's proposals before sb — presentare i fatti/delle proposte a qn

    to be laid to rest(euph: buried) essere sepolto (-a)

    to get laid fam!scopare fam!

    to lay o.s. open to attack/criticism — esporsi agli attacchi/alle critiche

    to lay claim to sth — reclamare qc, accampare diritti mpl su qc

    to lay odds or a bet on sth — scommettere su qc

    2) (prepare: fire) preparare, (trap, snare) tendere, (mine) posare, piantare, (table) apparecchiare
    3) (settle: ghost) placare, esorcizzare, (doubts, fears) eliminare, dissipare
    2. vi
    (bird) fare le uova, deporre le uova
    * * *
    lay (1) /leɪ/
    1 [u] disposizione; posizione; configurazione: the lay of the land, la configurazione del terreno; (fig.) la situazione attuale
    2 ( nella pesca, spec. alla balena) interessenza; partecipazione agli utili
    4 (fam.) ramo d'affari; lavoro; attività
    5 (fam.) prezzo
    6 (volg.) scopata, chiavata (volg.)
    7 (volg.) partner sessuale; (spec., anche easy lay) donna che ci sta, che la dà facilmente (volg.).
    lay (2) /leɪ/
    (letter.) lai; canzone; lamento.
    lay (3) /leɪ/
    a. attr.
    1 laico; secolare: (relig.) a lay brother, un «fratello» laico; un converso ( di monastero)
    2 incompetente; profano
    ● (leg., in Inghil.) lay judge, giudice onorario ( non di carriera); giudice di pace □ lay reader, (relig.) predicatore laico; (fig.) profano □ (relig.) lay sister, sorella laica; conversa □ lay status, laicato; condizione secolare.
    lay (4) /leɪ/
    pass. di to lie (2).
    ♦ (to) lay /leɪ/
    (pass. e p. p. laid)
    A v. t.
    1 posare; porre; mettere; mettere a posto; collocare; distendere; stendere; spalmare: He laid the keys on the desk, ha posato le chiavi sulla scrivania; to lay bricks, posare i mattoni l'uno sull'altro; to lay the foundation of st., porre (o gettare) le fondamenta di qc.; to lay a railway track, posare un binario; to lay the cloth, stendere (o mettere) la tovaglia; to lay a bomb, mettere una bomba; to lay paint [plaster], stendere la vernice [l'intonaco]
    2 deporre, fare ( uova); fare le uova: Hens lay eggs, le galline fanno le uova; Reptiles lay eggs, i rettili depongono le uova
    3 calmare; acquietare; smorzare; fugare; placare: The rain has laid the dust, la pioggia ha smorzato la polvere; to lay sb. 's doubts, fugare ogni dubbio dalla mente di q.
    4 preparare; progettare; elaborare; fare: to lay a fire, preparare (o disporre la legna, il carbone per) il fuoco; to lay one's plans carefully, preparare accuratamente i propri piani
    5 mettere innanzi a; esporre; presentare; muovere ( accuse): The lawyer laid his case before the court, l'avvocato ha presentato (o ha esposto) il caso al tribunale
    6 imporre; dare ( ordini, ecc.): to lay heavy taxes on st., imporre balzelli gravosi su qc.; to lay strict injunctions on sb., dare severi ordini a q.
    7 coprire; ricoprire; rivestire: to lay a floor with wall-to-wall carpeting, coprire un pavimento con la moquette
    8 scommettere; fare ( una scommessa); puntare: We laid a wager on who would come in first, facemmo una scommessa su chi sarebbe arrivato primo; I'll lay ten pounds that she'll be late, scommetto dieci sterline che arriverà in ritardo
    9 appianare; spianare; lisciare
    10 attribuire; ascrivere; imputare: The murder was laid to a neighbour, un vicino di casa è stato ritenuto responsabile dell'assassinio
    11 (mil.) puntare (per es., i cannoni); posare ( mine); (aeron.) sganciare ( bombe)
    13 (volg.) portarsi a letto (q.); scopare (volg.): to get laid: scopare; fare sesso
    B v. i.
    1 fare le uova: My hens are laying well now, ora le mie galline fanno molte uova
    2 (naut.) dirigersi; mettersi ( in una posizione); fare prua (su)
    ● (fig.) to lay st. at sb. 's door, dare la colpa di qc. a q. □ (fig.) aprire: to lay bare one's heart, mettere a nudo il proprio cuore □ to lay the blame for st. on sb., attribuire la colpa di qc. a q. □ (fig.) to lay sb. by the heels, imprigionare q.; incarcerare q. to lay claim to, avanzare una pretesa su; pretendere a: The prince laid claim to the English throne, il principe pretendeva al trono d'Inghilterra □ (leg.) to lay a claim to a right, rivendicare un diritto □ to lay a course, (naut.) seguire una rotta; (fig.) seguire una linea di condotta □ (leg., ass.) to lay damages at a certain sum, fissare una certa somma come risarcimento dei danni □ to lay eyes on, gettare l'occhio (o lo sguardo) su □ (agric.) to lay fallow, lasciare ( un terreno) a maggese □ to lay a finger on, toccare ( con intenzioni ostili): Don't you dare lay a finger on him!, non azzardarti a toccarlo neanche con un dito! □ to lay sb. flat, abbattere (o buttare a terra) q.; stendere q. (fam.) □ to lay great [little] store upon st., dare grande [scarsa] importanza a qc. to lay hands on oneself, uccidersi; suicidarsi □ to lay hands on sb., mettere le mani addosso a q.; (relig.) imporre le mani su q. ( per consacrarlo, ordinarlo sacerdote) □ to lay hands on st., metter le mani su qc.; impadronirsi di qc. □ (fig.) to lay heads together, mettersi insieme a discutere (o a far progetti) □ to lay a hedge, mettere a dimora una siepe □ to lay hold of (o on), afferrare (o prendere); (fig.) approfittare di, trarre vantaggio da □ to lay one's hopes on sb., riporre le proprie speranze in q. to lay sb. low, abbattere (o atterrare) q.; (fig.: di malattia) buttare giù q. to lay oneself open to attack, prestare il fianco agli attacchi □ to lay open, scoprire, esporre; svelare; tagliare, spaccare: to lay open a wound, scoprire una ferita; to lay open a plot, svelare una congiura; to lay one's cheek [arm, leg] open, prodursi uno squarcio in una guancia [un braccio, una gamba] □ (stor.) to lay siege to a castle, mettere l'assedio a un castello □ to lay a trap, [an ambush], tendere una trappola, [un'imboscata] □ ( slang autom., USA) to lay some rubber, sgommare; partire sgommando □ to lay stress (o emphasis) on st., dare un gran peso a qc. to lay the table, apparecchiare (la tavola): DIALOGO → - Dinner 2- Can you lay the table?, puoi apparecchiare? □ to lay st. to sb. 's charge, dare la colpa di qc. a q. to lay st. to heart, prendersi a cuore qc. □ (fig. eufem.) to lay sb. to rest (o to sleep), seppellire q. to lay waste, devastare, mettere a ferro e fuoco ( un paese, ecc.).
    NOTA D'USO: - to lay / to lie-
    * * *
    I [leɪ] II [leɪ]
    1) [ worker] non esperto, non specializzato
    2) relig. [preacher, member] laico
    III [leɪ]
    nome pop. spreg. chiavata f., scopata f.
    IV 1. [leɪ]
    verbo transitivo (pass., p.pass. laid)
    1) (place) posare, porre, mettere [object, card]; (spread out) stendere [rug, blanket, covering]; (arrange) collocare, disporre; deporre [ wreath]

    to lay hands on sth. — fig. (find) mettere mano a qcs.

    to lay hands on sb. — relig. imporre le mani su qcn

    2) (set for meal) apparecchiare, mettere [ table]
    3) (prepare) preparare [fire, plan]; gettare [basis, foundation]; tendere [ trap]
    4) (fix in place) posare [carpet, tiles, cable, mine]; costruire [railway, road]
    5) zool. deporre [ egg]
    6) fig. sporgere [charge, complaint]; muovere [ accusation]; gettare [curse, spell]

    to lay stress o emphasis on sth. — porre l'accento su qcs

    7) (bet) puntare [ money] (on su)
    8) pop. (have sex with) scopare
    verbo intransitivo (pass., p.pass. laid) [ bird] deporre le uova

    to lay a finger o hand on sb. — (beat) alzare un dito contro qcn., mettere le mani addosso a qcn

    English-Italian dictionary > lay

  • 4 course

    I. 1. курс (и на планета), движение, течение (и на река), посока
    to enter on the/to start on a COURSE of тръгвам по пътя на
    to keep/hold one's COURSE държа курс, не се отклонявам от пътя си
    2. ход, вървеж, развитие, течение
    the COURSE of events ходът/развитието на събитията
    to let things take/run their COURSE оставям нещата да се развиват сами/по реда си
    to let the law take its COURSE оставям правосъдието да си каже думата
    the COURSE of life земният път, линията на живота
    the COURSE of nature законът на природата, естественият ход на нещата
    in COURSE of construction в строеж
    in the COURSE of в течение на, през време на
    in the COURSE of time с течение на времето
    in due COURSE своевременно, когато трябва, когато му дойде времето
    matter of COURSE нещо, което се разбира от само себе си, нещо естествено/в реда на нещата
    in the ordinary COURSE of events/things обикновено, нормално, като нещо напълно естествено
    of COURSE разбира се, естествено
    3. ред, постепенност
    in COURSE поред
    4. линия на поведение, политика, начин на действие
    to enter on the/to start on a COURSE of тръгвам по пътя на
    to shape one's COURSE определям поведението си
    to stay the COURSE следвам пътя си докрай, не се отказвам, сп. издържам до финала
    to steer/tread a middle COURSE държа среден курс, избягвам крайностите
    to steer/tread a steady COURSE вървя неотклонно по пътя си, водя твърда политика
    to take one's own COURSE вървя по собствен път, имам своя собствена линия на поведение, осланям се само на себе си
    to take a drastic COURSE вземам строги/решителни мерки, постъпвам/действувам сурово/решително
    to take to evil COURSEs тръгвам по лош път
    5. (учебен) курс
    COURSE of lectures (курс) лекции
    COURSE of study учене, следване
    6. лекуване, лечение, серия (нагревки, инжекции и пр.)
    7. блюдо, ястие, ядене
    three-COURSE lunch обед с три блюда (супа, ядене, десерт)
    8. сп. писта, хиподрум, игрище за голф
    9. корито (на река и пр.), поток
    10. стр. хоризонтален ред на зидария
    11. рудна жила, въглищен пласт
    12. мин. галерия
    13. мор. долно платно
    14. рl мензис, менструация
    COURSE of exchange валутен курс
    to walk over the COURSE спечелвам лесно победа
    II. 1. ходя на лов с кучета, гоня, преследвам (дивеч за куче)
    2. бягам, тичам, тека (и за сълзи), движа се, циркулирам (за кръв)
    3. препускам (за кон), пускам (куче по дивеч)
    * * *
    {kъ:s} n 1. курс ( и на планета), движение, течение (и на река(2) {kъ:s} v 1. ходя на лов с кучета; гоня, преследвам (дивеч
    * * *
    ход; циркулирам; ядене; ястие; тичам; тека; течение; ред; постепенност; поток; писта; посока; пласт; блюдо; бягам; вървеж; галерия; развитие; движение; държане; курс; насока;
    * * *
    1. (учебен) курс 2. 1 pl мензис, менструация 3. 1 мин. галерия 4. 1 мор. долно платно 5. 1 рудна жила, въглищен пласт 6. course of exchange валутен курс 7. course of lectures (курс) лекции 8. course of study учене, следване 9. i. курс (и на планета), движение, течение (и на река), посока 10. ii. ходя на лов с кучета, гоня, преследвам (дивеч за куче) 11. in course of construction в строеж 12. in course поред 13. in due course своевременно, когато трябва, когато му дойде времето 14. in the course of time с течение на времето 15. in the course of в течение на, през време на 16. in the ordinary course of events/things обикновено, нормално, като нещо напълно естествено 17. matter of course нещо, което се разбира от само себе си, нещо естествено/в реда на нещата 18. of course разбира се, естествено 19. the course of events ходът/развитието на събитията 20. the course of life земният път, линията на живота 21. the course of nature законът на природата, естественият ход на нещата 22. three-course lunch обед с три блюда (супа, ядене, десерт) 23. to enter on the/to start on a course of тръгвам по пътя на 24. to keep/hold one's course държа курс, не се отклонявам от пътя си 25. to let the law take its course оставям правосъдието да си каже думата 26. to let things take/run their course оставям нещата да се развиват сами/по реда си 27. to shape one's course определям поведението си 28. to stay the course следвам пътя си докрай, не се отказвам, сп. издържам до финала 29. to steer/tread a middle course държа среден курс, избягвам крайностите 30. to steer/tread a steady course вървя неотклонно по пътя си, водя твърда политика 31. to take a drastic course вземам строги/решителни мерки, постъпвам/действувам сурово/решително 32. to take one's own course вървя по собствен път, имам своя собствена линия на поведение, осланям се само на себе си 33. to take to evil courses тръгвам по лош път 34. to walk over the course спечелвам лесно победа 35. блюдо, ястие, ядене 36. бягам, тичам, тека (и за сълзи), движа се, циркулирам (за кръв) 37. корито (на река и пр.), поток 38. лекуване, лечение, серия (нагревки, инжекции и пр.) 39. линия на поведение, политика, начин на действие 40. препускам (за кон), пускам (куче по дивеч) 41. ред, постепенност 42. сп. писта, хиподрум, игрище за голф 43. стр. хоризонтален ред на зидария 44. ход, вървеж, развитие, течение
    * * *
    course[kɔ:s] I. n 1. курс, път (и на планета), движение, течение (и на река), посока, насока; the plane was off \course самолетът се отклони от курса си; the \course of history ходът на историята; to enter on the ( start on a) \course of поемам по пътя на, тръгвам по пътя на; to be on the \course for на път съм да (постигна нещо), предстои ми; to lay ( set) a \course мор. определям курс ( for); to let things take their \course оставям нещата да се развиват сами; отпускам му края; to run ( take) o.'s \course следвам естествения си път на развитие; продължавам без прекъсване, изминавам пътя си; вървя по реда си; to shape o.'s \course държа курс (прен.); to stay the \course следвам пътя си докрай; не се отказвам; to steer ( tread) a middle \course държа среден курс, избягвам крайностите; to steer ( tread) a steady \course следвам неотклонно избрания път; провеждам твърда политика; 2. ход, вървеж, развитие, течение; a \course of action курс на действие, линия на поведение; the \course of nature закон на природата, естественото развитие на нещата; in the \course of в течение на; по време на; in due \course своевременно, когато трябва, когато му дойде времето, както му е редът; a matter of \course нещо, което се разбира от само себе си и е в реда на нещата; of \course разбира се; 3. ред, постепенност; in \course по ред; 4. линия на поведение, политика; начин на действие; what \courses are open to us? какви са алтернативите ни за действие? 5. учебен курс (in); \course of study учене; refresher \course опреснителен курс; sandwich \course курс на обучение във ВУЗ, при което редовните занятия и производствената практика се редуват през семестър; off-the-job \course курс с откъсване от производството; to follow ( run) \courses следвам (водя) курсове; 6. лекуване; \course of X-ray treatments нагревки; a \course of antibiotics серия антибиотици; 7. блюдо; a dinner of three \courses обед от три блюда; 8. писта; хиподрум (и race-\course); 9. корито на поток; поток (и water-\course); 10. строит. ред (пласт) тухли, камъни и пр.; 11. мор. долно платно; 12. рудна жила, каменовъглен пласт; 13. мин. галерия; 14. pl държание, поведение; 15. pl менструация, мензис; \course of action начин на действие; воен. ход на сражение; \course of exchange валутен курс; II. v 1. ходя на лов (с кучета); гоня, преследвам (дивеч - за кучета); 2. бягам, тичам; тека (и за сълзи), циркулирам, движа се (за кръв); tears \coursed down her cheeks по бузите ѝ се стичаха сълзи; 3. препускам ( кон), пускам ( куче) да бяга.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > course

  • 5 lay down

    1) устанавливать, утверждать
    - lay down rules
    - lay down the law
    - lay down a course of actions
    - act as laid down in the law
    3) отказаться, оставлять
    - lay down hopes
    - lay down one's life for smth
    4) откладывать в сторону, опускать, класть

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > lay down

  • 6 lay

    A prétlie.
    B n
    1 injur ( sexual partner) she's an easy lay injur c'est une fille facile offensive ; she's a good lay injur elle baise bien offensive ; ( sex act) baise f ;
    2 Literat lai m.
    C adj
    1 gen [helper, worker] non initié ; lay person profane mf ; lay opinion l'opinion des profanes ;
    2 Relig [preacher, member, reader] laïque ; [brother, sister] lai.
    D vtr ( prét, pp laid)
    1 lit ( place) poser ; ( spread out) étaler [rug, blanket, covering] ; ( arrange) disposer ; (ceremonially, as offering) déposer [wreath] ; coucher [baby, patient] ; lay the cards face down posez les cartes face en dessous ; lay the blanket on the ground étalez la couverture sur le sol ; lay the slices of apple on top disposez les pommes coupées en tranches sur le dessus ; she laid the baby in the cot elle a couché le bébé dans le berceau ; to lay the newspaper on the table étaler le journal sur la table ; he laid his hand on my forehead il a posé sa main sur mon front ; he laid his cheek against hers il a mis sa joue contre la sienne ; to lay hands on sth fig ( find) mettre la main sur qch ; to lay hands on sb Relig imposer les mains à qn ;
    2 ( set for meal) mettre [table, cutlery, crockery] ; to lay the table for lunch mettre la table pour le déjeuner ; to lay the table for four mettre le couvert pour quatre ; to lay the table with the best china disposer la plus belle porcelaine sur la table ; to lay an extra place ajouter un couvert ;
    3 ( prepare) préparer [fire, plan, trail] ; poser [basis, foundation] ; tendre [trap] ;
    4 Constr, Hort, Mil poser [carpet, tiles, bricks, paving, turf, cable, mine, pipe] ; construire [railway, road, sewer] ;
    5 Zool pondre [egg] ;
    6 fig ( attribute) porter [charge, accusation] ; déposer [complaint] ; jeter [curse, spell] (on à) ; to lay stress ou emphasis on sth mettre l' accent sur qch ; to lay the blame for sth on sb rejeter la responsabilité de qch sur qn ;
    7 ( bet) gen, Turf parier [money] (on sur) ;
    8 ( suppress) fig dissiper [fears, doubts, suspicions] ; arrêter [rumour] ;
    9 ( have sex with) baiser avec ; to get laid se faire sauter .
    E vi ( prét, pp laid)
    1 Agric, Zool pondre ;
    2 Naut jeter l'ancre (off au large de ; alongside le long de).
    to lay it on the line ne pas mâcher ses mots ; to lay a finger ou hand on sb ( beat) lever la main sur qn ; ( touch) toucher.
    lay about:
    lay about [sb] rouer [qn] de coups ; to lay about sb with a stick rouer qn de coups de bâton.
    lay aside:
    lay aside [sth], lay [sth] aside
    1 lit ( for another activity) poser [book, sewing, toy] ; ( after one stage in process) mettre [qch] de côté [part-finished dish, model] ;
    2 fig ( relinquish) abandonner [studies, cares] ; renoncer à [responsibility, principle, feeling, inhibition, doubt].
    lay back:
    lay back [sth], lay [sth] back coucher [ears, patient] ; poser [head].
    lay [sth] before sb soumettre [qch] à qn [law, bill] ; exposer [qch] à qn [case, facts, evidence] ; I laid the facts before them je leur ai exposé les faits.
    lay by:
    lay by [sth], lay [sth] by mettre [qch] de côté [money, provisions].
    lay down:
    lay down [sth], lay [sth] down
    1 ( put horizontal) coucher [object, baby, patient] ; étaler [rug, garment, cards] ;
    2 ( put down) poser [book, implement, suitcase] ; déposer [weapon, arms] ;
    3 fig ( relinquish) to lay down one's life for sb/sth sacrifier sa vie pour qn/qch ;
    4 ( establish) établir [rule, procedure, plan, course of action] ; poser [condition] ; donner [order] ; fixer [price, charge, wage] ; it is laid down that… il est stipulé que… ;
    5 Constr jeter, poser [foundations] ; installer [cable, pipe, drain] ; construire [road, railway] ;
    6 Wine mettre [qch] en cave [bottles, wine] ;
    7 ( record) enregistrer [track].
    lay in:
    lay in [sth] faire provision de ; we've laid in plenty of beer nous avons fait une grande provision de bière ; to lay in supplies of sth s'approvisionner en qch.
    lay into:
    lay into [sb]
    1 lit bourrer [qn] de coups ; she laid into me with her umbrella elle m'a donné des coups de parapluie ;
    2 fig ( abuse) she laid into me elle m'est tombée dessus ; the teacher laid into them for being late le professeur leur est tombé dessus à cause de leur retard.
    lay off ( stop) arrêter ; lay off! it hurts! arrête! ça fait mal! ;
    lay off [sb], lay [sb] off ( sack) ( temporarily) mettre [qn] en chômage technique ; ( permanently) licencier ;
    lay off [sb] ( leave alone) laisser [qn] tranquille.
    lay on:
    lay on [sth], lay [sth] on
    1 ( apply) appliquer [paint, plaster, glue] ;
    2 GB ( install) [workman] installer [gas, electricity, water] ; [owner] faire installer [gas, electricity, water] ;
    3 ( supply) prévoir [meal, food, service, transport] ;
    4 ( organize) organiser [entertainment, excursion] ; donner [display] ;
    5 fig ( exaggerate) forcer un peu la dose sur [praise, pathos, sarcasm, gratitude, flattery] ; you laid it on a bit (thick) tu as forcé un peu la dose .
    lay open:
    lay [sth] open exposer (to à) ; to lay oneself open to s'exposer à [accusations, criticism, ridicule, exploitation].
    lay out:
    lay [sth] out, lay out [sth]
    1 lit (spread out, display) disposer [goods, cards, food] ; ( unfold) étaler [map, garment, fabric] ; ( put ready) préparer [clothes] ;
    2 ( design) concevoir [building, book, magazine, advertisement] ; mettre [qch] en page [letter, illustrations] ; monter [page] ; dessiner [town, village, garden] ; disposer [buildings, pattern pieces] ;
    3 ( explain) exposer [reasons, demands, facts, information] ;
    4 ( spend) débourser [sum of money] ;
    lay out [sb], lay [sb] out
    1 ( prepare for burial) faire la toilette mortuaire de [dead person, corpse] ;
    2 ( knock unconscious) mettre [qn] KO .
    lay up:
    lay up [sth], lay [sth] up
    1 ( store away) lit faire provision de [food, supplies] ; fig se préparer [trouble, problems] ;
    2 ( take out of service) désarmer [boat] ;
    lay [sb] up ( confine to bed) forcer [qn] à s'aliter ; to be laid up être alité ; to be laid up with être au lit avec [illness, injury].

    Big English-French dictionary > lay

  • 7 lay\ down

    1. III
    1) lag down smth., smb. /smth., smb. down/ lay down a volume (the basket, one's coat, one's hat, the wounded man, etc.) класть том и т. д.; lay down the pen and take up the sword отложить в сторону перо и взяться за меч; she laid herself down она легла /улеглась/
    2) lag down smth. /smth. down/ lay down a railway (a road, a canal, a gas pipe, a main, a cable, etc.) прокладывать железную дорогу и т. д.; lay down a plant (a ship, a battleship, etc.) закладывать завод и т. д., начинать строительство завода и т. д., lay down vegetables (melons, etc.) сажать овощи и т. д.; lay down a solid foundation закладывать прочный фундамент, закладывать прочную основу
    3) lag down smth. /smth. down/ lay down principles ( rules, limits, prices, etc.) устанавливать /утверждать/ принципы и т. д., lay down the law а) устанавливать /формулировать/ закон; б) говорить назидательным тоном, заявлять безапелляционно; don't lay down the law to me не командуй [мной]!, lay down conditions ставить условия; lay down a programme (a course of action, a general policy, a menu, etc.) разрабатывать / составлять/ программу и т. д.
    4) lay down smth. /smth. down/ lay down one's arms сдаваться, капитулировать; the enemy laid down their arms враг сложил оружие; lay down [an] office /the duties of office/ отказываться от должности; lay down power складывать полномочия; lay down hopes оставлять надежды; lay down one's life отдавать свою жизнь, жертвовать жизнью
    5) 1) lay down wine хранить /выдерживать/ вино в подвале /погребе/
    6) || lay down money ставить деньги (в карточной игре и т. п.)
    2. IV
    lay down smb., smth. in some manner she laid the baby (the vase, the book, etc.) down gently она осторожно положила /опустила/ ребенка и т. д.
    3. XI
    be laid down on such case no general rule can be laid down для таких случаев нельзя сформулировать общее правило; be laid down in smth. one should act as laid down in the law следует действовать / поступать/ в соответствии с законом; as laid down in the foregoing paragraph как утверждается в предыдущем параграфе /абзаце/
    4. XXI1
    1) lay down smth. in /to, with, under/ smth. lay down land (a field, a plot, etc.) in /to, with, under/ grass (wheat, etc.) засеивать землю и т. д. травой и т. д.
    2) lay down smth. /smth. down/ for smb. she endeavoured to lay down for herself a future course of action она пыталась наметить себе /определить для себя/ линию поведения на будущее
    3) lay down one's life for smth., smb. he laid down his life for a great cause он отдал свою жизнь за великое дело; I'd lay down my life for you я за вас готов жизнью пожертвовать
    5. XXIV1
    || lay down smth. as a maxim формулировать что-л. как афоризм; we lay it down as an axiom that... мы принимаем за аксиому, что...

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > lay\ down

  • 8 HALDA

    * * *
    (held; hélt, héldum; haldinn), v.
    I. with dat.
    1) to hold fast (Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr);
    to keep back, restrain (Hrafn fekk eigi haldit henni heima);
    2) to withhold (héldu bœndrgjaldinu);
    3) to keep, retain (þú skalt jafhan þessu sæti halda);
    to preserve (halda virðingu sinni, lífi ok limum);
    halda vöku sinni, to keep oneself awake;
    4) to hold, keep one’s stock;
    also ellipt. (vetr var illr ok héldu menn illa);
    5) phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy (= halda njósnum til um e-t);
    halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold (the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes;
    halda hendi yfir e-m, to protect one;
    6) to hold, stand, steer, ellipt., þeir héldu aptr (held back again) um haustit;
    þeir héldu út eptir fírði, they stood out the firth;
    halda heim, to steer homewards;
    7) to graze, put in the field (halda fé til haga);
    8) impers. to continue, last (hélt því lengi um vetrinn);
    II. with acc.
    1) to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate (þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum);
    2) to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday (í hvers minning heldr þú þenna. dag?);
    3) to keep (halda orð sín, eið, sættir, frið);
    to observe (halda guðs lög ok landsins);
    4) to uphold, maintain, support (halda vini sína, halda e-n til ríkis);
    5) halda sik, to comport oneself (kunna halda sik með hófi);
    halda sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously;
    halda sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from;
    6) to hold, consider, deem (hón hélt engan hans jafningja);
    7) to hold, keep up;
    halda varnir, to keep up a defence;
    halda vörð, to keep watch;
    8) to hold, compel, bind (heldr mik þá ekki til útanferðar);
    þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, thou hast some excuse for trying;
    III. with preps.:
    halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand (halda á sverði);
    to hold to a thing, go on with it, be busy about (halda á drykkju, á ferð sinni, á sýslu);
    halda e-t af e-m, to hold (land, office) from or of one (þeir er höfðu haldið land af Danakonungi);
    halda mikit af e-m, to make much of one;
    halda eptir e-m, to pursue one;
    halda e-u eptir, to keep back;
    halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself back from, refrain from;
    halda e-u fram, to uphold, support;
    halda e-u fyrir e-u, to withhold from one;
    to protect against (héldu engar grindr fénu fyrir birninum);
    halda e-n fyrir e-t, to hold, consider one to be so and so (síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan vin);
    halda í e-t, to hold fast, grasp (þú skalt halda í hurðarhringinn);
    halda til e-s, to be the cause of, be conducive to;
    heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this;
    hélt til þess (conduced to it) góðgirni hans;
    halda til e-s, to be bent on, fond of (halda mjök til skarts, til gleði);
    halda til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one;
    halda um e-t, to grasp with the hand (= halda hendi um e-t);
    halda barni undir skírn, to hold at baptism;
    halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, lift (halda upp höndum);
    halda upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling;
    to uphold, maintain, support (halda upp hofum, kristninni);
    to keep going (halda upp bardaga);
    to discharge (halda upp kostnaði, bótum);
    halda upp bœnum fyrir e-m, to pray for one;
    halda e-u við, to maintain a thing;
    halda við e-m, to stand against (hvar sem harm kom fram, hélt ekki við honum);
    hélt þá við atgöngu (acc.), they were near coming to fight;
    heldr nú við hót, it is little short of threats;
    IV. refl., haldast.
    * * *
    pret. hélt (= Goth. haihald), 2nd pérs. hélt, mod. hélzt, pl. héldum; pres. held, pl. höldum; pret. subj. héldi; part. haldinn; imperat. hald and haltú: [Ulf. haldan = βόσκειν, ποιμαίνειν, whereas he renders to keep, hold by other words; Hel. haldan = alere, fovere, colere, which thus seems to be the primitive sense of the word, and to be akin to Lat. cŏlo; again, A. S. healdan, Engl. hold, O. H. G. haltan, Germ. halten, Swed. hålla, halda, Dan. holde, are all of them used in a more general sense]:—to hold.
    A. WITH DAT. to hold to:
    I. to hold fast by; with the notion of restraint or force, tók Gizurr förunaut Ögmundar ok hélt honum, Sturl. i. 150; Gunnarr var kyrr svá at honum hélt einn maðr, Nj. 92; ef maðr heldr manni …, varðar fjörbaugs-garð, Grág. ii. 110; h. e-m undir drep, 17; h. skipum ( to grapple the ships) með stafnljám, Fms. ii. 315: to keep back, Hrafn fékk eigi haldit henni heima þar, Ísl. ii. 249; ok halda þeim veðr í enni sömu höfn, Grág. i. 92; h. (sér) í e-t, to hold oneself fast by, grasp, þú skalt h. í hurðar-hringinn, Dropl. 29; heldr sér í faxit, Sd. 177.
    β. so in the phrases, halda barni (manni) undir skírn, vatn, primsignan, biskups hönd, eccl. to hold a bairn ( man) at baptism, prima signatio, confirmation, Grág. i. 29; h. vatni (tárum), to hold one’s tears, 623. 56, Fms. viii. 232, vi. (in a verse); halda munni, to hold one’s tongue, be silent, vii. 227; halda tungu sinni, Þórð.
    2. to withhold; þá megu þeir h. tíundum hans í móti, K. Þ. K. 62; h. vætti, Grág. i. 42; h. gögnum, 56; ef goði heldr tylftar-kvið, er hann heldr kviðnum, 58; halda matinum fyrir honum, 47; h. sköttum fyrir e-m, Nj. 8; h. skógar-manni fyrir e-m, Finnb. 334; um þat er hann hefir konunni haldit, Grág. i. 313; héldu bændr gjaldinu, Fms. vii. 302; hélt ek því (i. e. the money) fyrir honum, i. e. paid it not, Ísl. ii. 244.
    II. to hold, of a rope or the like; sá maðr hugði h. mundu er festi, … ok h. mundu í slíku veðri, Grág. ii. 361; reip þau tíu er tveggja manna afli haldi hvert, id.; skal hann svá göra at haldi fyrir fyrnsku, 268.
    β. to hold, hold out, last; optast halda þar íllviðri litla hríð, Sks. 212; sunnudags-helgi ríss upp á laugardegi, ok heldr ( lasts) til mánadags, N. G. L. i. 138.
    III. to keep, retain, Germ. behalten; fá-ein skip héldu seglum sinum, Fms. x. 143; þú skalt jafnan þessu sæti h., Nj. 6; h. bústað sínum, Ld. 26; h. ríki sínu, Al. 58, Fms. i. 13; h. öllum Noregi, viii. 155; h. frelsi ok eignum, vi. 40; h. hlut sínum, to uphold one’s right, Eg. passim; halt sömum vinum sem ek hefi haft, Fas. i. 375; h. hreinleik sínum, Al. 58.
    β. to hold, keep safe, preserve; h. hlut sínum, Ld. 54; h. heilsu, Grág. i. 145; h. virðingu sinni, Ld. 16; þá heldr hann kosti sínum, Grág. ii. 209; h. tíma ( honour) sínum, Al. 59; h. lífi ok limum, Eg. 89; h. lífinu, Nj. 111; h. trúnaði sínum, 109; vináttu sinni, Ld. 200; einorð sinni, Fb. ii. 265; h. sér réttum, to keep oneself right, Ld. 158; h. e-m heilum, Odd. 30; h. ríki fyrir e-m, Fms. v. 279; h. manna-forræði fyrir e-m, Hrafn. 19; h. réttu máli fyrir e-m, Fms. vii. 64.
    2. to continue to keep, keep all along; h. teknum hætti, Fms. iv. 254; h. vöku, to keep oneself awake, Ld. 152; but h. vöku fyrir e-m, to keep another awake; halda sýslu sinni, Fs. 36; h. högum, to keep grazing, Eb. 104, Ld. 148.
    3. to hold, keep one’s stock; ellipt., vetr var íllr ok héldu menn ílla, the winter was cold and it was ill to keep live stock, Sturl. ii. 143, (cp. fjár-höld); hann hélt vel svá at nær lifði hvat-vetna, Hrafn. 22: metaph., ílla hefir þinn faðir þá haldit, Fms. xi. 144; öld hefir ílla haldit, the people have had a sad loss, vi. (in a verse); h. fangi, and also ellipt. halda, of sheep and cattle, opp. to ‘to go back.’
    4. phrases, halda njósnum, to keep watch, to spy, Fms. viii. 146, Nj. 113; hann hélt njósnum til Önundar, Landn. 287; hélt konungr njósnum til, ef …, Fms. vii. 128; hann skyldi h. njósnum til ok gera orð konungi, i. 54; h. njósnum til um e-t, iv. 119, Nj. 93; halda njósn (sing.) um skip þat, Eg. 74; þér haldit njósnum nær færi gefr á Arnkatli, Eb. 186; hann lét h. njósnum uppi á landi, Fms. vii. 316; hann hélt fréttum til, ef …, iv. 349.
    β. halda (hendi) fyrir auga, to hold ( the hand) before the eyes, shade the eyes, Nj. 132, Fms. v. 196; h. fyrir munn e-m, to hold ( the hand) over one’s mouth; h. hendi yfir e-m, to hold the hand over one, protect one, Nj. 266, Fbr. 22, Korm.; h. hendi um háls e-m, to clasp the hands around one’s neck, Fms. i. 9; h. skildi fyrir e-n, to hold the shield for one as a second in a duel, Ísl. ii. 257, passim; h. e-m til náms, to hold one to the book, make one study, K. Þ. K. 56; h. e-m til virðingar, Ld. 98.
    IV. ellipt. (liði, skipi, för, stefnu, etc. understood), to hold, stand in a certain direction, esp. as a naut. term; þeir héldu aptr ( stood back again) um haustið, Eg. 69; treystisk hann eigi á haf at halda, Eb. 6; héldu þeir vestr um haf, id.; stigu þeir á skip sín, ok héldu út ( stood out) eptir firði, Fms. i. 63; þeir héldu þat sama sumar til Íslands, Ld. 6; hann hélt upp eptir hinni eystri kvísl, Fms. vii. 55; h. heim, to hold one’s course, stand homewards, Odd. 30; h. á braut, Grág. i. 92; Hrútr hélt suðr til Eyrar-sunds, Nj. 8; h. eptir e-m, to pursue one, 7; h. undan, to fly, Fms. x. 396, Nj. 98 (on land); kom móti þeim sunnan-veðr með myrkri, ok urðu þeir fyrir at h., to lay one’s course for the wind, A. A. 271; h. útleið, to stand on the outer tack, Eg. 78; h. til, to turn against, attack (on sea), Fms. xi. 72; hélt hann liði sínu suðr á Mæri, i. 62; þeir héldu liði sínu norðr til Þrándheims, id.; Haraldr konungr hélt norðan liði sínu, Eg. 32; héldu þeir skipi því suðr með landi, 69; skipi því lét hann halda vestr til Englands, id.; Unnr hélt skipinu í Orkneyjar, eptir þat hélt Unnr skipi sínu til Færeyja, Ld. 8.
    β. to graze, put in the field, of sheep, cattle; þykkir mér þat miklu skipta at þeim sé vel til haga haldit, Eg. 714; hvert Steinarr hafði látið nautum sínum halda, 715; ok bað hann h. nautunum annan veg, 716.
    γ. phrases, halda kyrru fyrir, to hold still, remain quiet, Ld. 216, Þórð. 30 new Ed., Nj. 223, 258; Hallr heldr nú til fangs ( went fishing) sem áðr, Ld. 38.
    V. with prep.; halda á e-u, to hold, wield in the hand, freq. in mod. usage, h. á bók, penna, fjöðr, hníf, skærum, nál, etc.; hafði hverr þat er hélt á, Nj. 279; h. á sverði, Fb. i. 33; hann tók við öxinni ok hélt (viz. á), ok sá á, Eg. 180: to hold fast, heldr nú maðr á manni, Fas. i. 12; eigi máttu helvítis byrgi h. á honum, 656 C. 6; ef hann heldr á fénu ( withholds it), Grág. i. 427.
    β. [Germ. anhalten], to hold to a thing, go on with, be busy about; h. á sýslu, to be busy, Rm. 14; h. á keri, qs. halda á drykkju, to go on drinking, carousing, Hm. 18: h. á hinni sömu bæn, Stj. 417; h. á fyrirsátrum við e-n, Þórð. 51 new Ed.; h. á búnaði sínum, Ld. 164; hélt hann þá á búnaði sínum sem skjótligast, Fms. ix. 215, x. 119, Sturl. ii. 245; þogar á bak Jólum hélt Ólafr konungr á búningi, Fms. v. 41; hann heldr nú á málinu, Nj. 259; nú heldr Þórðr á málinu ok verðr Oddný honum gipt, Bjarn. 11, Konr. (Fr.); h. á tilkalli, Fms. i. 84; h. á þessum sið, xi. 41; h. á för, to go on with one’s journey, Sighvat; gengu síðan brott ok héldu á ferð sinni, and went on their journey, Sturl.;—whence the mod. phrase, halda áfram, to go on, which seems not to occur in old writers.
    2. halda e-u fram, to hold up, make much of; bróðir minn mun mér mjök hafa fram haldit fyrir ástar sakir, Nj. 3.
    β. to hold on doing, (hence fram-hald, continuation); halda fram upp-teknu efni, Fms. i. 263; slíku hélt hann fram meðan hann lifði, iv. 254; hélt hann (fram) teknum hætti um veizlurnar, id., Grett. 14.
    3. halda saman, to hold together, Eluc. 6, Fms. vii. 140, Rb. 340.
    4. halda e-u upp, to hold aloft, Yngvarr hélt upp vísu þeirri, Eg. 152; steinninn heldr upp annarr öðrum, Rb. 390; h. upp árum, to hold up the oars, cease pulling, Fas. ii. 517, N. G. L. i. 65.
    β. to uphold, maintain, support; halda upp hofi, Landn. 64, Eb. 24; h. upp hofum ok efla blót, Fms. i. 91; h. upp kirkju, K. Þ. K. 52; h. upp Kristninni, Fms. i. 32: to keep going, h. upp bardaga, orrostu, xi. 66, 188, 340.
    γ. to discharge; h. upp féráns-dómi, Grág. i. 120; h. upp lögskilum, 145; h. upp svörum, Ó. H. 174; h. upp kostnaði, Eg. 77; h. upp gjaldi, Grág. i. 384; gjöldum, Fms. i. 81; h. upp bót, Grág. ii. 182; bótum, Eb. 100, 162, N. G. L. i. 311; ef hann heldr upp yfirbót ( penance) þeirri, Hom. 70; h. upp bænum fyrir e-m, to pray for one, Fms. xi. 271; hélt hann því vel upp sem vera átti, discharged it well, x. 93.
    δ. halda sér vel upp, to hold oneself well up, Sturl.
    ε. metaph., skal-at hann lögvillr verða, svá at honum haldi þat uppi (i. e. went unpunished), Grág. i. 316; ok heldr honum þat uppi ( that will save him), ef hann er rétt-hafi at orðinn, ii. 242.
    5. halda e-u við, to maintain a thing, Hkr. i. 195.
    VI. impers.,
    1. to continue, last; hélt því nokkura stund dags, Fms. x. 125: hélt því lengi um vetrinn, Ld. 288; regni hélt haustnótt gegnum, Fms. vi. 83.
    2. with prep. við, to be on the brink of; hélt þá við atgöngu, they were within a hair’s breadth of coming to fight, Hkr. i. 143; hélt þá við vandræði, Fms. ix. 434; heldr við bardaga, vi. 8; heldr nú við hót, it is little short of a threat, i. 305; hélt við blót, x. 106; ok hélt við flótta, i. 174; hélt við meiðingar, Nj. 21, Sd. 143; henni hélt við, at hón mundi drepa hana, Nj. 118; þeim hélt við váða sjálfan, Ó. H. 168; konungi hélt við, hvárt hann mundi standask eðr eigi, Mag. 100; honum hélt við kafnan, Bs. i. 18; hélt þó við at þeir mundi berjask, Fs. 53.
    B. WITH ACC. to hold:
    I. to hold in possession, a fief, land, estate, office, or the like; þeir héldu alla hina beztu staði með sjónum, Fms. xi. 131; þeir er áðr höfðu haldit land af Dana-konungi, i. 232; Eirekr skyldi h. land af Aðalsteini konungi, 23; Vemundr hélt Firða-fylki, Eg. 12; hélt hann þat ríki undir Knút konungi, Ísl. ii. 242; í þeirri borg héldu þeir langfeðgar fimmtán konungdóma, Ver. 37; h. land sem leigu-land, Grág. ii. 278; konungrinn heldr af Guði nafnit, Sks. 599 B; prestar er kirkjur halda, H. E. i. 486; sá prestr er heldr Pétrs-kirkju, N. G. L. i. 312; presta þeirra er kirkju halda, 346; skal sá maðr ráða er kirkju heldr, K. Þ. K. 60; Ólafs kirkju þá er Væringjar halda (the parish church of W.), Hkr. iii. 408.
    2. halda ábyrgju, ábyrgð á e-n, to have the responsibility of a thing, Grág. ii. 399, K. Þ. K. 66; h. grip, to be in the possession of, Grág. i. 438, ii. 190; h. skóla, to keep a school, Mar.; h. fylgð, to perform, Fms. ix. 279; eiga vandræði at h., to be in a strait, difficulty, Eb. 108.
    II. to hold, keep, observe, a feast, holiday, or the like; halda kirkju-dag, K. Þ. K. 42; í hvers minning heldr þú þenna dag? Nj. 157; h. helgan þvátt-dag hvern, Pr. 437; h. helga daga, Sl.; h. Jóla-dag, Páska, Hvíta-sunnu, Rb. 134; minnstú að h. helgan hvíldar-daginn Drottins Guðs þíns (the Fourth Commandment in the Icel. version); h. heilagt, to keep holiday, Dipl. ii. 14; í dag þá hátíð höldum vér til himna sté vor Herra, Hólabók 54; er Júdar héldu hátíðligt, Stj. 110; (hence forn-haldinn, time-honoured): of the day-marks (vide dagr, p. 95), er þaðan haldinn miðr-morgin, Hrafn. 9.
    2. to keep; halda orð sín, to keep one’s word, Fms. x. 95; höldum öll einka-mál vár, vii. 305; h. sættir, Nj. 57; gerðú svá vel, félagi, at þú halt vel sætt þessa, 111, Sturl. iii. 153, Fs. 65, Gullþ. 20; hann kvaðsk vilja hafa svardaga af þeim ok festu, at halda, Nj. 164; h. eið, Sturl. iii. 153; h. frið, to keep peace, Greg. 7; ef þú vilt nokkura hluti eigi h. þá er ek hefi á lagt við þik, Eg. 738: to observe faith, law, rite, etc., halda átrúnað, Fms. i. 34, x. 277; h. Guðs lög ok landsins, vii. 305; h. lands lög, viii. 155; h. ein lög, 625. 52; hafa ok halda þau lög, Fms. i. 34; h. Kristilega trú, K. Á. 74; h. mál (orð) e-s, Greg. 17; h. alla hluti með athugasamlegu minni, Sks. 439.
    3. to keep, tend; halda geitr, Hkv. 2. 20 (exactly as in Gothic).
    III. to uphold, maintain, support; þykkir mér þér sé nú ísjár-vert, hvárt þú munt fá haldit þik eðr eigi, Nj. 155; munu vér þó ekki einhlitir at h. oss eptir þessi verk, Háv. 50; at hón mætti með valdi h. sik ok menn sína, Fas. i. 375; þat væri nokkurr várkunn, at þú héldir frænda þinn eðr fóstbróður, en þetta er alls engi (at) halda útlaga konungs, Ó. H. 145; enda ætla ek lítinn viljann til at h. vini þína, Fms. vii. 244; því at Eysteinn konungr kenndi Inga konungi, at hann héldi þá menn, 248; ef þú heldr hann ( upholdest him) til þess at ganga á vini mína, Eg. 339; viljum vér allir fylgja þér ok þik til konungs halda, Fms. i. 34; Stephanus skyldi h. hann til laga ok réttinda, Sks. 653; h. e-n til ríkis, Fb. i. 236; vinsæld föður hans hélt hann mest til alþýðu vináttu, Fms. vii. 175; þeir sem upp h. ( sustain) þenna líkama, Anecd. 4.
    β. phrases, halda e-m kost, borð, to keep at board, entertain, Fms. ix. 220, x. 105, 146, Nj. 6; or, halda e-n at klæðum ok drykk, Ó. H. 69; h. stríð, bellum gerere (not class.), Fms. x. 51; h. úfrið, Fas. ii. 539.
    2. halda sik, to comfort oneself, Sks. 281, Hom. 29; kunna sik með hófi at h., Sturl. iii. 108; h. sik ríkmannliga, to fare sumptuously, Ld. 234; hann hélt betr húskarla sína en aðrir, Fms. vii. 242; h. mjök til skarts, to dress fine, Ld. 196; þar var Hrefna ok hélt allmjök til skarts, id.; hann var hægr hvers-dagliga, ok hélt mjök til gleði, Sturl. iii. 123; hélt hann hér mjök til vinsælda ok virðinga, he enjoyed much popularity and fame, Ld. 298.
    β. ellipt. (sik understood), at h. til jafns við e-n, to bear up against one, to be a match for one, Ld. 40; ef þér hefir eigi til þess hug eðr afl at h. til jafns við e-n húskarl Þorsteins, Eg. 714; h. til fullnaðar, to stand on one’s full rights; ef þær taka eigi fullrétti, eðr h. eigi til fullnaðar, Grág. ii. 109; h. fullara, to hold one above other men, Ó. H. (in a verse); lét konungr þá h. mjök til ( make great preparations) at syngja messu hátíðliga, Hkr. i. 287.
    3. to hold forth, put forward; at þeim inyiidi þungbýlt vera í nánd honum, ef þeir héldi nokkurn annan fyrir betra mann en hann, Ld. 26; síðan hélt konungr Erling fyrir tryggvan mann, Fms. ix. 399.
    β. to hold, deem, be of opinion; the old writers seem not to use the word exactly in this sense, but near to it come such phrases as, hón hélt engan hans jafningja innan hirðar hvárki í orðum né öðrum hlutum, i. e. she held him to be above all men, Ld. 60; halda menn hann fyrir konung, Fb. i. 216; still closer, halda menn at Oddný sé nú betr gipt, Bjarn. 12 (but only preserved in a paper MS.): this sense is very freq. in mod. usage, to hold, mean, eg held það; eg held ekki, I think not; (hence hald, opinion.)
    γ. phrases, halda mikit upp á e-n, to hold one in much esteem, love, Stj. 33; halda af e-m, id., Fas. i. 458, ii. 63, 200, iii. 520, esp. freq. in mod. usage, (upp-á-hald, af-hald, esteem.)
    4. to hold on, keep up; halda varnir, to keep up a defence, Sks. 583; halda vörð, to keep watch, Eg. 120, Grág. i. 32, 264; halda njósn, Eg. 72, 74, Fms. xi. 46; halda tal af e-m, to speak, communicate with one, ii. 88.
    5. to hold, be valid, be in force, a law term; á sú sekt öll at halda, Grág. i. 89; á þat at h. allt er þeir urðu á sáttir, 86; enda á þat at h. með þeim síðan, ii. 336.
    IV. to hold, compel, bind (with the notion of obligation or duty); heldr mik þá ekki til utan-ferðar, Nj. 112; þó heldr þik várkunn til at leita á, i. e. thou art excused, thou hast some excuse in trying, 21; var auðsætt hvat til hélt um sættir, Bjarn. 70; þik heldr eigi hér svá mart, at þú megir eigi vel bægja héraðs-vist þinni, Eb. 252; þar mælir þú þar, er þik heldr várkunn til at mæla, Nj. 227; ek mun vera vinr hans, ok alla þá, er at mínum orðum láta, halda til vináttu við hann, i. e. I will be his friend, and all those who lend ear to my words I will hold to friendship with him, Eg. 18.
    2. halda sik frá e-u, to keep oneself from, to refrain from a thing, Sks. 276 B; h. sik frá munaðlífi, Post. 656 A. ii. 16, Hom. 53, 135; h. sik aptr af e-u, to abstain from, Hkr. i. 512.
    V. absol. to be the cause of, be conducive to a thing; heldr þar margt til þess, there are many reasons for this, Nj. 192; vildim vér vita hvat til heldr, Fms. vii. 106; en hann vissi eigi hvat til hafði haldit, er hann kom eigi, xi. 11; margir hlutir héldu til þess, Eg. 38; þat hélt til þess, at …, Al. 94; hélt til þess ( conduced to it) góðgirnd hans, stórmennska ok vitsmunir, Fs. 29; hefir þat mjök til haldit, er ek hefi svá lengi dvalizt, at ek ætlaða, Ld. 32; hann lét bæði til h. vingan ok mágsemd, Fs. 24; heldr þat mest til at þá var komit útfall sjávar, Ld. 56; hélt þat mest til þess, at hann gafsk bezt í öllum mannraunum, 60; þat eitt hélt til, at þeir fóru eigi málum á hendr Þórði, at þeir höfðu eigi styrk til, 138.
    VI. to hold, comprise; sólar-öld heldr tuttugu ok átta ár, Rb. 510; h. skor (of weight), Grág. i. 500.
    ☞ In some instances the use of dat. and acc. wavers, e. g. halda húsum, to keep up the houses, Grág. ii. 278, 335; h. hliði, to keep the gate in repair, 265; but halda hlið (acc.), 332: to keep, observe, h. lögum, griðum, boðorðum, Glúm. 333, Grág. i. 357, ii. 166, 623. 28; hélt hann þessu sumu, Fms. x. 416 (Ágrip); halda ílla orðum, vii. (in a verse); þeir er því þingi áttu at h., Glúm. 386; h. sáttum, St. 17; h. eiðum, Bkv. 18; Gizuri þótti biskup h. ríkt ( protect strongly) brennu-mönnum, Sturl. i. 201 C; Guð er sínum skepnum heldr (keeps, protects) ok geymir, Mar.; þá hélt engi kirkju mönnum, … kept no man safe, Fms. ix. 508; h. njósn (acc.) um e-t, Eg. 74; h. til njósn, 72; njósnir, Fms. xi. 46. In most of these instances the acc. is the correct case, and the dat. is due either to careless transcribers or incorrect speaking: in some instances an enclitic um has been taken for a dative inflexion, thus e. g. sáttum haldi in Stor. l. c. is to be restored to sátt um haldi; eiðum haldit in Bkv. l. c. to eið (for eiða) um haldit; in others the prep. um has caused the confusion, as ‘halda njósn um at’ has been changed into halda njósnum at. But in the main the distinction between the use of dat. and acc. is fixed even at the present time: the acc. seems to represent the more primitive usage of this verb, the dat. the secondary.
    C. REFLEX.:
    I. to hold oneself, to stay; héldusk þeir þá ekki fyrir norðan Stað, Fms. i. 63; mátti hann eigi þar haldask, Landn. 246; h. á baki, to keep oneself on horseback, keep one’s seat, Grág. ii. 95; munu þeir skamma stund hér við haldask, Nj. 247: to be kept, remain, þá skal hann h. með Helju, Edda 39: to resist, megu vér ekki við h. fyrir ofreflis-mönnum þessum, Nj. 254; hélzk þá ekki við honum, Eg. 289; mann er svá hefir haldisk við höfuð-syndum, Hom. 157.
    β. to hold out, last, continue; ok hélzk ferillinn, Eg. 579; hélzk undr þetta allt til dags, Nj. 272 (twice); hélzk konungdómr í kyni hans, Rb. 394; lengi síðan hélzk bruna-öld með Svíum, Yngl. S.; lengi hélzk þat í ætt þeirri, at …, Eg. 770; hélzk vinátta með þeim, Nj. 66; þat hefir enn haldizk í ætt hans, Fms. iv. 8; ok hefir þat haldizk ( it has continued to be so) síðan er ek hefi hann séð, Ld. 174; honum haldisk (imperat.) sigr ok langt líf, Ver. 57; betr þætti mér, at hún héldisk þér, that it (the luck) would hold out for thee, Fb. ii. 74; ef hann helzk í útrú sinni, if he perseveres in his untruth, 623. 26.
    γ. to be kept safe and sound; menn allir héldusk ( all bands were saved) ok svá fé, Ld. 8, Fs. 143; þar héldusk menn allir ok mestr hluti fjár, Eg. 405; hafði fé vel haldizk, has been well kept, done well, Ld. 34.
    δ. to be valid, stand; eigu þau handsöl hennar at haldask, Grág. i. 334; engi má haldask dómr hans, Edda 15; skyldu þau (the truce) haldask um þingit, Nj. 348.
    2. impers., mér helzk, e-m helzk vel, ílla, á e-u, to have a good hold, have luck with a thing; mér helzk lítt á sauða-mönnum, Grett. 110 A.
    3. recipr., haldask á, to hold or pull one against another, wrestle, (hence á-höld); var sagt Magnúsi, at þeir héldisk á úti, that they were fighting outside, Sturl. ii. 44.
    II. part. pass. haldinn, [Dan. holden], so ‘holden,’ in such and such a state; vel haldinn, in good condition, faring well, well to do, Eg. 20, 234; hugðusk þar ok haldnir ( safe) mundu vera, Ver. 34; þungliga h., very sick, Eg. 565, Hkr. ii. 199; vel haldinn, doing well; tak heldr annat fé, svá mikit, at þú þykisk vel haldinn af, i. e. fully satisfied, having got full redress, Boll. 350; Sveinn sagði, at hann vill hafa tvá hluti fjárins, Hrani sagðisk ekki af því haldinn ( satisfied) vera, Fms. iv. 31: in the phrase, heilu ok höldnu, safe and sound, Bs. i. 191, Fms. xi. 376, Hkr. i. 319; með höldnu hljóði, preserving the sound, Skálda 175.
    2. ok mun þykkja sér misboðit ef þú ert haldinn (kept, protected), Finnb. 344.
    β. kept, observed, Fms. xi. 99.
    γ. held in custody, in prison, Bs. i. 419, Sturl. i. 151.
    III. gerund., haldandi, holding good, valid; sá dómr er eigi haldandi, is not valid, K. Á. 304; af öllu afli er friðr haldandi, Hom. 5.
    2. part. act., með upp haldandi höndum, with uplifted hands, Bs. i. 684.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HALDA

  • 9 hold

    I noun
    (of ship) Laderaum, der; (of aircraft) Frachtraum, der
    II 1. transitive verb,
    1) (grasp) halten; (carry) tragen; (keep fast) festhalten
    2) (support) [tragendes Teil:] halten, stützen, tragen [Decke, Dach usw.]; aufnehmen [Gewicht, Kraft]
    3) (keep in position) halten
    4) (grasp to control) halten [Kind, Hund, Zügel]
    5) (keep in particular attitude)

    hold oneself ready or in readiness — sich bereit od. in Bereitschaft halten

    hold one's head high(fig.) (be confident) selbstbewusst sein od. auftreten; (be proud) den Kopf hoch tragen

    6) (contain) enthalten; bergen [Gefahr, Geheimnis]; (be able to contain) fassen [Liter, Personen usw.]

    the room holds ten peoplein dem Raum haben 10 Leute Platz; der Raum bietet 10 Leuten Platz

    hold water[Behälter:] wasserdicht sein; Wasser halten; (fig.) [Argument, Theorie:] stichhaltig sein, hieb- und stichfest sein

    7) (not be intoxicated by)

    he can/can't hold his drink or liquor — er kann etwas/nichts vertragen

    8) (possess) besitzen; haben
    9) (have gained) halten [Rekord]; haben [Diplom, Doktorgrad]
    10) (keep possession of) halten [Stützpunkt, Stadt, Stellung]; (Mus.): (sustain) [aus]halten [Ton]

    hold one's own(fig.) sich behaupten

    hold one's position(fig.) auf seinem Standpunkt beharren

    11) (occupy) innehaben, (geh.) bekleiden [Posten, Amt, Stellung]

    hold officeim Amt sein

    hold the line(Teleph.) am Apparat bleiben

    12) (engross) fesseln, (geh.) gefangen halten [Aufmerksamkeit, Publikum]
    13) (keep in specified condition) halten

    hold the ladder steady — die Leiter festhalten; see also academic.ru/5877/bay">bay III 1.; ransom 1.

    14) (detain) (in custody) in Haft halten, festhalten; (imprison) festsetzen; inhaftieren; (arrest) festnehmen
    15) (oblige to adhere)

    hold somebody to the terms of the contract/to a promise — darauf bestehen, dass jemand sich an die Vertragsbestimmungen hält/dass jemand ein Versprechen hält od. einlöst

    hold one's opponent [to a draw] — ein Unentschieden [gegen den Gegner] halten od. verteidigen

    17) (cause to take place) stattfinden lassen; abhalten [Veranstaltung, Konferenz, Gottesdienst, Sitzung, Prüfung]; veranstalten [Festival, Auktion]; austragen [Meisterschaften]; führen [Unterhaltung, Gespräch, Korrespondenz]; durchführen [Untersuchung]; geben [Empfang]; halten [Vortrag, Rede]
    18) (restrain) [fest]halten

    hold one's fire — [noch] nicht schießen; (fig.): (refrain from criticism) mit seiner Kritik zurückhalten

    19) (coll.): (withhold) zurückhalten

    hold it! — [einen] Moment mal!; see also horse 1)

    20) (think, believe)

    hold a view or an opinion — eine Ansicht haben (on über + Akk.)

    hold that... — dafürhalten, dass...; der Ansicht sein, dass...

    hold somebody/oneself guilty/blameless — jemanden/sich für schuldig/unschuldig halten ( for an + Dat.)

    hold something against somebody — jemandem etwas vorwerfen; see also dear 1. 1); responsible 1)

    2. intransitive verb,
    1) (not give way) [Seil, Nagel, Anker, Schloss, Angeklebtes:] halten; [Damm:] [stand]halten
    2) (remain unchanged) anhalten; [an]dauern; [Wetter:] sich halten, so bleiben; [Angebot, Versprechen:] gelten

    hold to something — bei etwas bleiben; an etwas (Dat.) festhalten

    hold [good or true] — gelten; Gültigkeit haben

    3. noun
    1) (grasp) Griff, der

    grab or seize hold of something — etwas ergreifen

    get or lay or take hold of something — etwas fassen od. packen

    take hold(fig.) sich durchsetzen; [Krankheit:] fortschreiten

    get hold of something(fig.) etwas bekommen od. auftreiben

    get hold of somebody(fig.) jemanden erreichen

    have a hold over somebody — jemanden in der Hand halten; see also catch 1. 1)

    2) (influence) Einfluss, der (on, over auf + Akk.)
    3) (Sport) Griff, der

    there are no holds barred(fig.) alles ist erlaubt

    4) (thing to hold by) Griff, der

    put on holdauf Eis legen [Plan, Programm]

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold over
    - hold up
    - hold with
    * * *
    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) halten
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) halten
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) halten
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) halten
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) festhalten
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) (ent)halten
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) abhalten
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) halten
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) beibehalten
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me( to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) die Aussicht haben
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) gelten
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) festhalten
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) (stand)halten
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) standhalten
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) fesseln
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) abhalten
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) innehaben
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) sich halten
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) warten
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) aushalten
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) aufbewahren
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) bringen
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?)
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) der Halt
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) die Gewalt
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) der Griff
    - -holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) der Schiffsraum
    * * *
    [həʊld, AM hoʊld]
    I. NOUN
    1. (grasp, grip) Halt m kein pl
    to catch [or grab] [or get [a]] [or take [a]] \hold of sb/sth jdn/etw ergreifen
    grab \hold of my hand and I'll pull you up nimm meine Hand und ich ziehe dich hoch
    I just managed to grab \hold of Lucy before she fell in the pool ich konnte Lucy gerade noch schnappen, bevor sie in den Pool fiel fam
    to keep \hold of sth etw festhalten
    sb loses \hold of sth jdm entgleitet etw
    sb loses \hold of the reins jdm gleiten die Zügel aus der Hand
    2. ( fig)
    to take \hold of sth custom, fashion auf etw akk überschwappen fam; fire, epidemic, disease auf etw akk übergreifen
    3. (esp climbing) Halt m kein pl
    it's a difficult mountain to climb as there aren't many \holds der Berg ist schwierig zu erklettern, weil in der Wand nicht viele Griffe sind
    to lose one's \hold den Halt verlieren
    4. (wrestling, martial arts) Griff m
    no \holds barred contest Wettbewerb, bei dem alle Griffe erlaubt sind
    to break free from sb's \hold sich akk aus jds Griff befreien
    to loosen one's \hold on sb/sth den Griff an jdm/etw lockern
    to release one's \hold on sb/sth jdn/etw loslassen
    to be on \hold in der Warteschleife sein
    to put sb on \hold jdn in die Warteschleife schalten
    his phone is engaged, can I put you on \hold? bei ihm ist besetzt, wollen Sie warten?
    6. (delay)
    to be on \hold auf Eis liegen fig
    to put sth on \hold etw auf Eis legen fig
    can we put this discussion on \hold until tomorrow? können wir diese Diskussion auf morgen verschieben?
    7. (control, influence) Kontrolle f
    the allies maintained their \hold on the port throughout the war die Alliierten hielten den Hafen während des gesamten Krieges besetzt
    get \hold of yourself! reiß dich zusammen! fam
    to lose one's \hold on life mit dem Leben nicht mehr fertigwerden
    to lose one's \hold on reality den Sinn für die Realität verlieren
    to have a [strong] \hold on [or over] sb [starken] Einfluss auf jdn haben
    he hasn't got any \hold over [or on] me er kann mir nichts anhaben
    no \holds barred ohne jegliches Tabu
    when he argues with his girlfriend there are no \holds barred wenn er mit seiner Freundin streitet, kennt er kein Pardon
    9. ( fig: find)
    to get \hold of sb/sth jdn/etw auftreiben fam
    I'll get \hold of some crockery for the picnic ich besorge Geschirr für das Picknick
    I'll get \hold of John if you phone the others wenn du die anderen anrufst, versuche ich, John zu erreichen
    to get \hold of information Informationen sammeln
    to get \hold of sth etw verstehen
    to get \hold of the wrong idea etw falsch verstehen
    don't get \hold of the wrong idea versteh mich nicht falsch
    the student already has a good \hold of the subject der Student weiß bereits recht gut über das Thema Bescheid
    11. FASHION of hairspray, mousse Halt m kein pl
    normal/strong/extra strong \hold normaler/starker/extrastarker Halt
    12. NAUT, AVIAT Frachtraum m
    13. COMPUT Halteimpuls m
    <held, held>
    1. (grasp, grip)
    to \hold sb/sth [tight [or tightly]] jdn/etw [fest]halten
    to \hold sb in one's arms jdn in den Armen halten
    to \hold the door open for sb jdm die Tür aufhalten
    to \hold a gun eine Waffe [in der Hand] halten
    to \hold hands Händchen halten fam
    to \hold sb's hand jds Hand halten
    to \hold sth in one's hand etw in der Hand halten
    to \hold one's nose sich dat die Nase zuhalten
    to \hold sth in place etw halten; AUTO
    to \hold the road eine gute Straßenlage haben
    the latest model \holds the road well when cornering das neueste Modell weist in den Kurven gutes Fahrverhalten auf
    to \hold one's sides with laughter sich dat die Seiten vor Lachen halten, sich akk vor Lachen krümmen
    to \hold sb/sth jdn/etw [aus]halten [o tragen]
    will the rope \hold my weight? wird das Seil mein Gewicht aushalten?
    to \hold one's head high ( fig) erhobenen Hauptes dastehen
    to \hold one's peace ( fig) den Mund halten fam
    to \hold oneself badly sich akk gehenlassen fam
    to \hold oneself in readiness sich akk bereithalten
    to \hold oneself upright sich akk gerade halten
    to \hold oneself well sich akk gut halten
    to \hold sb's attention [or interest] jdn fesseln
    to \hold sb [in custody]/hostage/prisoner jdn in Haft/als Geisel/gefangen halten
    to be able to \hold one's drink [or AM also liquor] Alkohol vertragen
    to \hold [on to] the lead in Führung bleiben
    to \hold sb to ransom jdn bis zur Zahlung eines Lösegelds gefangen halten
    to \hold one's course seinen Kurs [beibe]halten a. fig
    to \hold course for sth NAUT, AVIAT auf etw akk Kurs nehmen
    to \hold a note einen Ton halten
    to \hold the prices at an acceptable level die Preise auf einem vernünftigen Niveau halten
    to \hold one's serve SPORT den Aufschlag halten
    sth is \holding its value pictures, antiques etw behält seinen Wert
    to \hold sb to his/her word jdn beim Wort nehmen
    6. (delay, stop)
    to \hold sth etw zurückhalten
    we'll \hold lunch until you get here wir warten mit dem Essen, bis du hier bist
    will you \hold my calls for the next half hour, please? können Sie bitte die nächste halbe Stunde niemanden durchstellen?
    she's on the phone at the moment, will you \hold the line? sie spricht gerade, möchten Sie warten [o fam dranbleiben]?
    we'll \hold the front page until we have all the details wir halten die erste Seite frei, bis wir alle Einzelheiten haben
    \hold everything! (when sth occurs to sb) stopp!, warte!; (when sceptical) moment mal fam
    \hold it [right there]! stopp!
    ok, \hold it! PHOT gut, bleib so!
    to \hold sth in abeyance etw ruhenlassen
    to \hold one's breath die Luft anhalten
    he said he'd finish the report by tomorrow but I'm not \holding my breath ( fig) er sagte, er würde den Bericht bis morgen fertig machen, aber ich verlasse mich lieber nicht darauf
    to \hold one's fire MIL das Feuer einstellen, nicht gleich sein ganzes Pulver verschießen fig fam
    \hold your fire! nicht schießen!; ( fig)
    stop shouting at me and \hold your fire! hör auf mich anzubrüllen und reg dich ab! fam
    to \hold confiscated goods/a parcel konfiszierte Waren/ein Paket einbehalten
    to \hold sth bottle, glass, box etw fassen; COMPUT etw speichern
    one bag won't \hold all of the shopping der Einkauf passt nicht in eine Tüte
    this room \holds 40 people dieser Raum bietet 40 Personen Platz
    the CD rack \holds 100 CDs in den CD-Ständer passen 100 CDs
    my brain can't \hold so much information at one time ich kann mir nicht so viel auf einmal merken
    this hard disk \holds 13 gigabytes diese Festplatte hat ein Speichervolumen von 13 Gigabyte
    8. (involve)
    to \hold sth for sth für jdn mit etw dat verbunden sein
    fire seems to \hold a fascination for most people Feuer scheint auf die meisten Menschen eine Faszination auszuüben
    death \holds no fear for her der Tod macht ihr keine Angst
    sth \holds many disappointments/surprises etw hält viele Enttäuschungen/Überraschungen bereit
    to \hold land Land besitzen
    to \hold that... der Meinung sein, dass...
    * * *
    hold1 [həʊld] s FLUG, SCHIFF Lade-, Frachtraum m
    hold2 [həʊld]
    A s
    1. Halt m, Griff m:
    catch ( oder get, lay, seize, take) hold of sth etwas ergreifen oder in die Hand bekommen oder zu fassen bekommen oder umg erwischen;
    get hold of sb jemanden erwischen,;
    I couldn’t get hold of the money ich konnte das Geld nicht auftreiben;
    keep hold of festhalten;
    let go ( oder quit) one’s hold of sth etwas loslassen;
    miss one’s hold danebengreifen
    2. Halt m, Griff m, Stütze f:
    afford no hold keinen Halt bieten;
    lose one’s hold den Halt verlieren
    3. Ringen: Griff m:
    (with) no holds barred fig mit allen Mitteln oder Tricks;
    in politics no holds are barred fig in der Politik wird mit harten Bandagen gekämpft
    4. (on, over, of) Gewalt f, Macht f (über akk), Einfluss m (auf akk):
    get a hold on sb jemanden unter seinen Einfluss oder in seine Macht bekommen;
    get hold of o.s. sich in die Gewalt bekommen;
    have a (firm) hold on sb jemanden in seiner Gewalt haben, jemanden beherrschen;
    lose hold of o.s. die Fassung verlieren
    5. US Einhalt m:
    put a hold on sth etwas stoppen
    6. US Haft f, Gewahrsam m
    7. MUS Fermate f, Haltezeichen n
    8. Raumfahrt: Unterbrechung f des Countdown
    a) fig etwas auf Eis legen,
    b) TEL jemanden auf Warten schalten
    10. obs Festung f
    B v/t prät und pperf held [held], pperf JUR oder obs auch holden [ˈhəʊldən]
    1. (fest)halten:
    hold sb’s hand jemanden an der Hand halten;
    the goalkeeper failed to hold the ball (Fußball) der Torhüter konnte den Ball nicht festhalten
    2. sich die Nase, die Ohren zuhalten:
    hold one’s nose( ears)
    3. ein Gewicht etc tragen, (aus)halten
    4. (in einem Zustand etc) halten:
    hold o.s. erect sich gerade halten;
    hold (o.s.) ready (sich) bereithalten;
    the way he holds himself (so) wie er sich benimmt;
    with one’s head held high hoch erhobenen Hauptes
    5. (zurück-, ein)behalten:
    hold the shipment die Sendung zurück(be)halten;
    hold the mustard (im Restaurant etc) bes US (bitte) ohne Senf
    6. zurück-, abhalten ( beide:
    from von), an-, aufhalten, im Zaume halten, zügeln:
    hold sb from doing sth jemanden davon abhalten, etwas zu tun;
    there is no holding him er ist nicht zu halten oder zu bändigen oder zu bremsen;
    hold the enemy den Feind aufhalten
    7. US
    a) festnehmen:
    b) in Haft halten
    8. SPORT sich erfolgreich gegen einen Gegner verteidigen
    9. jemanden festlegen (to auf akk):
    hold sb to his word jemanden beim Wort nehmen
    10. a) Wahlen, eine Versammlung, eine Pressekonferenz etc abhalten
    b) ein Fest etc veranstalten
    c) eine Rede halten
    d) SPORT eine Meisterschaft etc austragen
    11. einen Kurs etc beibehalten:
    hold prices at the same level die Preise (auf dem gleichen Niveau) halten;
    hold the pace SPORT das Tempo halten
    12. Alkohol vertragen:
    hold one’s liquor ( oder drink) well eine ganze Menge vertragen;
    he can’t hold his liquor er verträgt nichts
    13. a) MIL und fig eine Stellung halten, behaupten:
    hold one’s own (with) sich behaupten (gegen), bestehen (neben);
    hold the stage fig die Szene beherrschen, im Mittelpunkt stehen (Person); fort 1, ground1 A 7, stage A 3
    b) Tennis: seinen Aufschlag halten, durchbringen
    14. innehaben:
    a) Land, Rechte etc besitzen: account C 1
    b) ein Amt etc bekleiden
    15. einen Platz etc einnehmen, (inne)haben, einen Rekord halten:
    hold an academic degree einen akademischen Titel führen
    16. fassen:
    a) enthalten:
    b) Platz bieten für, unterbringen:
    this hall holds 800 in diesen Saal gehen 800 Personen
    17. enthalten, fig auch zum Inhalt haben:
    the room holds period furniture das Zimmer ist mit Stilmöbeln eingerichtet;
    the place holds many memories der Ort ist voll von Erinnerungen;
    each picture holds a memory mit jedem Bild ist eine Erinnerung verbunden;
    it holds no pleasure for him er findet kein Vergnügen daran;
    life holds many surprises das Leben ist voller Überraschungen
    18. Bewunderung, Sympathie etc hegen, haben ( beide:
    for für):
    hold no prejudice kein Vorurteil haben
    19. behaupten:
    hold (the view) that … die Ansicht vertreten oder der Ansicht sein, dass …
    20. halten für, betrachten als:
    I hold him to be a fool ich halte ihn für einen Narren;
    it is held to be wise man hält es für klug ( to do zu tun)
    21. halten:
    hold sb dear jemanden lieb haben;
    hold sb responsible jemanden verantwortlich machen; contempt 1, esteem B
    22. besonders JUR entscheiden ( that dass)
    23. die Zuhörer etc fesseln, in Spannung halten:
    hold sb’s attention jemandes Aufmerksamkeit fesseln oder wachhalten
    24. US ein Hotelzimmer etc reservieren
    25. hold to US beschränken auf (akk)
    a) jemandem etwas vorhalten oder vorwerfen,
    b) jemandem etwas übel nehmen oder nachtragen
    27. US jemandem (aus)reichen:
    28. MUS einen Ton (aus)halten
    29. hold sth over sb jemanden mit etwas einschüchtern oder erpressen
    C v/i
    1. halten, nicht (zer)reißen oder (zer)brechen
    2. stand-, aushalten, sich halten
    3. (sich) festhalten (by, to an dat)
    4. bleiben:
    hold on one’s course seinen Kurs weiterverfolgen;
    hold on one’s way seinen Weg weitergehen;
    hold onto hold on 1, 2, 7; fast2 B
    5. sich verhalten:
    hold still stillhalten
    6. sein Recht ableiten (of, from von)
    7. auch hold good (weiterhin) gelten, gültig sein oder bleiben:
    the rule holds of ( oder in) all cases die Regel gilt in allen Fällen
    8. anhalten, andauern:
    my luck held das Glück blieb mir treu
    9. einhalten:
    hold! halt!
    10. hold by ( oder to) jemandem od einer Sache treu bleiben
    a) übereinstimmen mit,
    b) einverstanden sein mit
    12. stattfinden
    * * *
    I noun
    (of ship) Laderaum, der; (of aircraft) Frachtraum, der
    II 1. transitive verb,
    1) (grasp) halten; (carry) tragen; (keep fast) festhalten
    2) (support) [tragendes Teil:] halten, stützen, tragen [Decke, Dach usw.]; aufnehmen [Gewicht, Kraft]
    4) (grasp to control) halten [Kind, Hund, Zügel]

    hold oneself ready or in readiness — sich bereit od. in Bereitschaft halten

    hold one's head high(fig.) (be confident) selbstbewusst sein od. auftreten; (be proud) den Kopf hoch tragen

    6) (contain) enthalten; bergen [Gefahr, Geheimnis]; (be able to contain) fassen [Liter, Personen usw.]

    the room holds ten people — in dem Raum haben 10 Leute Platz; der Raum bietet 10 Leuten Platz

    hold water[Behälter:] wasserdicht sein; Wasser halten; (fig.) [Argument, Theorie:] stichhaltig sein, hieb- und stichfest sein

    he can/can't hold his drink or liquor — er kann etwas/nichts vertragen

    8) (possess) besitzen; haben
    9) (have gained) halten [Rekord]; haben [Diplom, Doktorgrad]
    10) (keep possession of) halten [Stützpunkt, Stadt, Stellung]; (Mus.): (sustain) [aus]halten [Ton]

    hold one's own(fig.) sich behaupten

    hold one's position(fig.) auf seinem Standpunkt beharren

    11) (occupy) innehaben, (geh.) bekleiden [Posten, Amt, Stellung]

    hold the line(Teleph.) am Apparat bleiben

    12) (engross) fesseln, (geh.) gefangen halten [Aufmerksamkeit, Publikum]

    hold the ladder steady — die Leiter festhalten; see also bay III 1.; ransom 1.

    14) (detain) (in custody) in Haft halten, festhalten; (imprison) festsetzen; inhaftieren; (arrest) festnehmen

    hold somebody to the terms of the contract/to a promise — darauf bestehen, dass jemand sich an die Vertragsbestimmungen hält/dass jemand ein Versprechen hält od. einlöst

    16) (Sport): (restrict)

    hold one's opponent [to a draw] — ein Unentschieden [gegen den Gegner] halten od. verteidigen

    17) (cause to take place) stattfinden lassen; abhalten [Veranstaltung, Konferenz, Gottesdienst, Sitzung, Prüfung]; veranstalten [Festival, Auktion]; austragen [Meisterschaften]; führen [Unterhaltung, Gespräch, Korrespondenz]; durchführen [Untersuchung]; geben [Empfang]; halten [Vortrag, Rede]
    18) (restrain) [fest]halten

    hold one's fire — [noch] nicht schießen; (fig.): (refrain from criticism) mit seiner Kritik zurückhalten

    19) (coll.): (withhold) zurückhalten

    hold it! — [einen] Moment mal!; see also horse 1)

    20) (think, believe)

    hold a view or an opinion — eine Ansicht haben (on über + Akk.)

    hold that... — dafürhalten, dass...; der Ansicht sein, dass...

    hold somebody/oneself guilty/blameless — jemanden/sich für schuldig/unschuldig halten ( for an + Dat.)

    hold something against somebody — jemandem etwas vorwerfen; see also dear 1. 1); responsible 1)

    2. intransitive verb,
    1) (not give way) [Seil, Nagel, Anker, Schloss, Angeklebtes:] halten; [Damm:] [stand]halten
    2) (remain unchanged) anhalten; [an]dauern; [Wetter:] sich halten, so bleiben; [Angebot, Versprechen:] gelten

    hold to something — bei etwas bleiben; an etwas (Dat.) festhalten

    hold [good or true] — gelten; Gültigkeit haben

    3. noun
    1) (grasp) Griff, der

    grab or seize hold of something — etwas ergreifen

    get or lay or take hold of something — etwas fassen od. packen

    take hold(fig.) sich durchsetzen; [Krankheit:] fortschreiten

    get hold of something(fig.) etwas bekommen od. auftreiben

    get hold of somebody(fig.) jemanden erreichen

    have a hold over somebody — jemanden in der Hand halten; see also catch 1. 1)

    2) (influence) Einfluss, der (on, over auf + Akk.)
    3) (Sport) Griff, der

    there are no holds barred(fig.) alles ist erlaubt

    4) (thing to hold by) Griff, der

    put on holdauf Eis legen [Plan, Programm]

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (keep) something in suspense expr.
    etwas in der Schwebe halten ausdr.
    im ungewissen lassen ausdr. (point) something out to someone expr.
    jemandem etwas entgegenhalten ausdr. (a meeting, etc.) v.
    abhalten (Treffen, Versammlung) v. (possess) v.
    innehaben v. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: held)
    = abhalten (Treffen) v.
    beibehalten v.
    bereithalten v.
    enthalten v.
    festhalten v.
    halten v.
    (§ p.,pp.: hielt, gehalten)

    English-german dictionary > hold

  • 10 совокупляться

    2) Biology: pair
    3) Colloquial: lallygag, lollygag
    4) American: jazz
    5) Religion: fornicate
    6) Rude: fuck
    7) Jargon: janney, score
    9) Taboo: Donald ( см. Donald Duck), Dutch-kiss, Zinzanbrook (произносится zin-zan-bruck), aardvark, accommodate, at it, bag up, ball, ball somebody (с кем-л.), ball with somebody (с кем-л.), band somebody (с кем-л.), bang, bang somebody (с кем-л.), bang with somebody (с кем-л.), bash somebody (с кем-л.), bate up, batter, beak, beanbag, bear, bed with somebody (с кем-л.), belly-bamp, belly-bump, (о мужчине) belt, belt (one's) batter, biff, (о мужчине) blow through, blue goose, board, bob, boff, boink, bone down, bonk, boogie, boom-boom, booty, bop, (о мужчине) break a lance with somebody (с кем-л.), bugger, bump, bump tummies, bump uglies, bun, (о мужчине) bury (one's) wick, bury the brisket, bus somebody out (с точки зрения мужчины), cane, canoe, (о мужчине) carve oneself a slice, cattle (см. cattle-truck), cha-cha, chafer, charver, chauver somebody (с кем-л.), (о мужчине) chuck a tread, chuff, clip somebody (с кем-л.), cock, cool out, cram, (о мужчине) cram it, (о мужчине) crawl somebody (с кем-л.), cure the horn (см. horn), dance on the mattress, dance the miller's reel, daub the brush, dick, diddle, dig out, dight, (о мужчине) dip (one's) dick, dip the fly, discuss Uganda (см. Ugandan affairs), do, (о мужчине) do a grind, (о мужчине) do a hoist, do a jottle, (о мужчине) do a slide up the broad, (о мужчине) do a tread, (о женщине) do a wet 'un, do an inside worry, do it, do the do, do the natural thing, (о женщине) do the naughty, (о мужчине) do the trick, do the two-backed beast, drill (for oil), (о мужчине) drive into somebody, dunk, ease nature, empty (one's) trash, exchange spits, exercise the ferret, federate, (о женщине) feed (one's) pussy, fer somebody (с кем-л.), (о мужчине) fettle, fill (one's) boots, (о мужчине) fill somebody up, fit ends, fix somebody up (с кем-л.), fix somebody's plumbing, fla (от ирл. Fleadh - party), flame, (о мужчине) flesh it, flimp, flip, flop, flop somebody (с кем-л.), fore-and-aft, four-nine-three-eleven (4-9-3-11, по номерам букв в алфавите), frame, freak, frig, frig somebody (с кем-л., об обоих полах), frock, frottage, fuck somebody (с кем-л., об обоих полах), futter (от фр. foutre), futy, futz, g, ganch somebody (с кем-л., букв.посадить на кол), gasp and grunt, gay it, gee, get (one's) ashes hauled, (о мужчине) get (one's) end away, get (one's) greens, get (one's) leg across, get (one's) nuts cracked, get (one's) oats from somebody, get (one's) oil changed, get Jack in the orchard (см. garden), get a bit, (о мужчине) get a couple of lengths in (somebody) (с кем-л.), get a leg over, get a little, (о женщине) get a wet bottom, get any (часто употребляется при приветствии мужчин - Getting any?), get boots, get busy, get down, get fixed up, get in, (о мужчине) get into somebody (см. get outside of somebody), get it off, (о женщине) get laid, get on the old fork, (о женщине) get outside of somebody (см. get into somebody), get over, get some, (о мужчине) get some trim, (о мужчине) get there, get up somebody (с кем-л.), get up them stairs (употребляется как приказ мужчины), gib, git skins, (о мужчине) give hard for soft, give it to somebody (с кем-л.), give it up, give somebody a shot (с кем-л.), give somebody a thrill (с кем-л.), give somebody one (с кем-л.), give somebody the business, give the dog a bone, (о женщине) go a bit of beef, go case with somebody (с кем-л.), go jottling, go leather-stretching, go post a letter, (о женщине) go star-gazing on (one's) back, go the route, go to Hairyfordshire (см. hair; игра слов на Herefordshire), go to bed with somebody (с кем-л.), go to town (with somebody), go tromboning, grease the wheel, grind, (о мужчине) grind (one's) tool, groan and grunt, haul (one's) ashes, have (one's) banana peeled, (о мужчине) have (one's) cut, have (one's) greens, (о мужчине) have (one's) nuts cracked, (о мужчине) have a bit, (о женщине) have a bit of beef, have a bit of fun, have a bit of rabbit-pie, have a bit of slap and tickle, (о женщине) have a bit of the gut-stick, have a bit off, (о мужчине) have a blow-through, have a flutter, have a go, (о мужчине) have a hoist, (о женщине) have a hot pudding for supper (см. pudding), have a naughty, have a put-in, (о мужчине) have a rattle, (о женщине) have a taste of the gut-stick, have carnal knowledge of somebody (с кем-л.), have contact with somebody (с кем-л.), have it away (together), have it in, have it off, have sex, have some, have somebody (с кем-л.), hide the salami, hit it off, hit skins, hive it, hobble, hog, hop, (о мужчине) hop into the horse's collar, (о мужчине) hop on, horizontalize, hose, huddle (somebody) (с кем-л.), hump (somebody) (с кем-л.), hump something heavy, hustle somebody (с кем-л.), inch, indulge, (о мужчине) introduce Charley, irrigate (см. lubricate), jab, jack, jack somebody (с кем-л.), jack up, jam, jape, jerk, jig, jiggle, jive, job, jog with somebody (с кем-л.), join giblets, join guts, jook, jottle, jump (somebody) (с кем-л.), jump up and down, kipper basting, knob, knock, knock boots, knock it off, knock off with somebody (с кем-л.), knock one on, knock somebody off (с кем-л.), knock somebody up (с кем-л.), know somebody (с кем-л.), know, in the Biblical sense, labor leather, lay, (о пожилых парах) lay (one's) cane in a dusty corner (намек на редкость совокупления), lay back, lay pipe, lay some pipe, lay somebody (с кем-л.), lay the leg, leap, leg-over, let Percy in the playpen, let nature take its course, (о женщине) lie feet uppermost, lift (one's) leg, lift a leg on somebody (с кем-л.), (о женщине) light the lamp, line, lobster, love somebody up (с кем-л.), (о мужчине) lubricate somebody (с кем-л.), mac, mack, make (one's) love come down, make babies, make ends meet, make it (with), make it together (обыч. употребляется в продолженных временах), make it with somebody (с кем-л.), make love (to somebody) (с кем-л.), make the scene, mash the fat, mount somebody (с кем-л.), muff, mug (somebody) (с кем-л.), naughty (somebody) (с кем-л.), nibble, nob, off, (о мужчине) pack, paint the bucket, park the pink bus, party, peg somebody (с кем-л.), perform, plank, plant a man, plant oats, (о женщине) play (one's) ace and take the jack (см. ace), play doctor, play fathers and mothers, play horses and mares (см. play fathers and mothers), play house, play in-and-out, play night baseball, play stable-my-naggy, play the national indoor game, play the organ, (о мужчине) play three to one (and be sure to lose) ("три" представляют собой пенис и яички, "однo" - влагалище, "потерять" означает эякулировать), play tiddlywinks, play top-sawyer (игра слов на Tom Sawyer и top-drawer), play tops and bottoms, plowter, pluck somebody (с кем-л.), plug (somebody) (с женщиной), pluke, poke somebody (с кем-л.), polish (one's) ass on the top sheet, pop, pop somebody (с кем-л.), pork, pork somebody (away) (см. meat; с кем-л.), pot pink, pound (somebody) (с кем-л.), (о женщине) pray with knees upwards, (о женщине) prod, pump somebody (с кем-л.), punch somebody (с кем-л.), push, put it to her, put the boots to somebody, put the devil into hell, quiff, rack, ram somebody (с кем-л.), rasp, rattle, ride (с точки зрения мужчины), ride somebody (с кем-л.), rip off a piece of ass, rock, roll, roll in the hay, roll somebody (с кем-л.), roller skate, root, rootle, (о мужчине) rump, sauce, saw off a chunk, scam, schtup (из идиш), score between the posts, scrape, screw, screw somebody (с кем-л., как о мужчинах, так и о женщинах), scrog, scrump somebody (с кем-л.), scuttle (об. в положении "мужчина сзади"), see, (о женщине) see stars lying on (one's) back, sex, sexing, sexpress, shake a tart, shake somebody down, shift, shoop, shove somebody (с кем-л.), shtup, shunt, skeet, skeeze, skin the cat, sklook, slam, slap skins, smash, snag, snake, snug, sock it to somebody (с кем-л.), spear the bearded clam (см. bearded clam), splay, splice, split, spread (one's) jenk, square someone's circle, stand somebody up (с кем-л.), (о женщине) stare at the ceiling over a man's shoulder, stick it (о мужчине), (о мужчине) stick somebody (с кем-л.), stretch leather, strum (somebody) (с кем-л.), (о женщине) study astronomy, (о мужчине) stuff, swing, tail, take a turn, take a turn among the parsley, (о женщине) take in beef, (о женщине) take it lying down, take somebody on (с кем-л.), tear a strip off, (о мужчине) tear off a hunk of skirt, tear up, tether (one's) nag, throw, throw a leg over somebody (с кем-л.), (о женщине) throw ass, throw one a hump, tick-tack, tie the true lovers' knot, till, tip somebody (с кем-л.), (о мужчине) tom, tonk, toss in the hay, trim the buff, trip, trow, tumble in, tup somebody (с кем-л.), twang, (о мужчине) varnish (one's) cane, (о мужчине) wag (one's) bum, wallow, wax, wear somebody, wedge, (о мужчине) wet (one's) wick, whack it up, wham (особ. быстро, без любовной игры), wham-bam (особ. быстро, без любовной игры), work, work (one's) bot, wriggle navels, yentz (из идиш), zap, zig-zag, bone, converge

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > совокупляться

  • 11 keep

    /ki:p/ * ngoại động từ kept - giữ, giữ lại =to keep something as a souvenir+ giữ cái gì coi như một vật kỷ niệm =to keep hold of something+ nắm giữ cái gì - giữ, tuân theo, y theo, thi hành, đúng =to keep one's promise (word)+ giữ lời hứa =to keep an appointment+ y hẹn =to keep the laws+ tuân giữ pháp luật - giữ, canh phòng, bảo vệ; phù hộ =to keep the town against the enemy+ bảo vệ thành phố chống lại kẻ thù =God keep you!+ Chúa phù hộ cho anh! =to keep the goal+ (thể dục,thể thao) giữ gôn - giữ gìn, giấu =to keep a secret+ giữ một điều bí mật =to keep something from somebody+ giấu ai cái gì - giữ gìn (cho ngăn nắp gọn gàng), bảo quản; chăm sóc, trông nom; quản lý =to keep the house for somebody+ trông nom nhà cửa cho ai =to keep the cash+ giữ két =to keep a shop+ quản lý một cửa hiệu - giữ riêng, để ra, để riêng ra, để dành =to keep something to onself+ giữ riêng cái gì cho mình =to keep something for future time+ để dành cái gì cho mai sau - giữ lại, giam giữ =to keep somebody in prison+ giam ai vào tù - ((thường) + from) giữ cho khỏi, giữ đứng, ngăn lại, nhịn tránh =to keep somebody from falling+ giữ cho ai khỏi ngã =to keep oneself from smoking+ nhịn hút thuốc - nuôi, nuôi nấng; bao (gái) =to keep a family+ nuôi nấng gia đình =to keep bees+ nuôi ong =to keep a woman+ bao gái =a kept woman+ gái bao - (thương nghiệp) có thường xuyên để bán =do they keep postcards here?+ ở đây người ta có bán bưu thiếp không? - cứ, cứ để cho, bắt phải =to keep silence+ cứ làm thinh =to keep someone waiting+ bắt ai chờ đợi - không rời, ở lỳ, vẫn cứ, ở trong tình trạng =to keep one's room+ không ra khỏi phòng (ốm...) - theo =to keep a straight course+ theo một con đường thẳng - (+ at) bắt làm kiên trì, bắt làm bền bỉ =to keep sosmebody at some work+ bắt ai làm bền bỉ một công việc gì - làm (lễ...), tổ chức (lễ kỷ niện...) =to keep one's birthday+ tổ chức kỷ niệm ngày sinh * nội động từ - vẫn cứ, cứ, vẫn ở tình trạng tiếp tục =the weather will keep fine+ thời tiết sẽ vẫn cứ đẹp =to keep laughing+ cứ cười =keep straight on for two miles+ anh hây cứ tiếp tục đi thẳng hai dặm đường nữa - (thông tục) ở =where do you keep?+ anh ở đâu? - đẻ được, giữ được, để dành được (không hỏng, không thổi...) (đồ ăn...) =these apples do not keep+ táo này không để được - (+ to) giữ lấy, bám lấy, cứ theo, không rời xa =to keep to one's course+ cứ đi theo con đường của mình =to keep to one's promise+ giữ lời hứa =keep to the right+ hây cứ theo bên phải mà đi - (nghĩa bóng) có thể để đấy, có thể đợi đấy =that business can keep+ công việc đó có thể hây cứ để đấy đã - (+ from, off) rời xa, tránh xa; nhịn =keep off!+ tránh ra!, xê ra! =keep off the grass+ không được giẫm lên bãi cỏ - (+ at) làm kiên trì, làm bền bỉ (công việc gì...) =to keep had at work for a week+ làm bền bỉ trong suốt một tuần !to keep away - để xa ra, bắt ở xa ra; cất đi =keep knives away from children+ cất dao đi đừng cho trẻ con nghịch !to keep back - giữ lại - làm chậm lại; chặn lại, cản lại, cầm lại =to keep back one's téa+ cầm nước mắt - giấu không nói ra - đứng ở đằng sau, ở lại đằng sau - tránh xa ra !to keep down - cầm lại, nén lại, dằn lại - cản không cho lên, giữ không cho lên =to keep prices down+ giữ giá không cho lên - không trở dậy (cứ quỳ, cứ ngồi, cứ nằm) - (quân sự) nằm phục kích !to keep from - nhịn, kiêng, nén, nín; tự kiềm chế được =can't keep from laughing+ không nén cười được !to keep in - dằn lại, nén lại, kiềm chế, kìm lại (sự xúc đông, tình cảm...) - giữ không cho ra ngoài; phạt bắt (học sinh) ở lại sau giờ học - giữ cho (ngọn lửa) cháy đều - ở trong nhà, không ra ngoài - vẫn thân thiện, vẫn hoà thuận (với ai) =to keep in with somebody+ vẫn thân thiện với ai !to keep off - để cách xa ra, làm cho xa ra - ở cách xa ra, tránh ra !to keep on - cứ vẫn tiếp tục =to keep on reading+ cứ đọc tiếp - cứ để, cứ giữ =to keep on one's hat+ cứ để mũ trên đầu (không bỏ ra) !to keep out - không cho vào; không để cho, không cho phép =to keep children out of mischief+ không để cho trẻ con nghịch tinh - đứng ngoài, không xen vào, không dính vào; tránh =to keep out of somebody's way+ tránh ai =to keep out of quarrel+ không xen vào cuộc cãi lộn !to keeo together - kết hợp nhau, gắn bó với nhau, không rời nhau !to keep under - đè nén, thống trị, bắt quy phục; kiềm chế !to keep up - giữ vững, giữ không cho đổ, giữ không cho hạ, giữ không cho xuống; giữ cho tốt, bảo quản tốt (máy...) =to keep up one's spirits+ giữ vững tinh thần =to keep up prices+ giữ giá không cho xuống - duy trì, tiếp tục, không bỏ =to keep up a correspondence+ vẫn cứ tiếp tục thư từ qua lại - bắt thức đêm, không cho đi ngủ - giữ vững tinh thần; không giảm, không hạ - (+ with) theo kịp, ngang hàng với, không thua kém =to keep up with somebody+ theo kịp ai, không thua kém ai !to keep abreast of (with) - theo kịp, không lạc hậu so với =to keep abreast with the timmes+ theo kịp thời đại !to keep a check on - (xem) check !to keep clear of - tránh, tránh xa !to keep company - (xem) company !to keep somebody company - (xem) company !to keep good (bad) company - (xem) company !to keep one's countenance - (xem) countenance !to keep one's [own] counsel - (xem) counsel !to keep dark - lẫn trốn, núp trốn !to keep one's distance - (xem) distance !to keep doing something - tiếp tục làm việc gì !to keep one's end up - không đầu hàng, không nhượng bộ; giữ vững ý kiến của mình !to keep an eye on - để mắt vào, theo dõi; trông giữ, canh giữ !to keep somebody going - giúp đỡ ai về vật chất (để cho có thể sống được, làm ăn được...) !to keep one's hair on - (xem) hair !to keep one's head - (xem) head !to keep late hours - (xem) hour !to keep mum - lặng thinh, nín lặng; giữ kín, không nói ra !to keep oneself to oneswelf - không thích giao thiệp; không thích giao du; sống tách rời !to keep open house - ai đến cũng tiếp đãi, rất hiếu khách !to keep pace with - (xem) pace !to keep peace with - giữ quan hệ tốt với !to keep one's shirt on - (xem) shirt !to keep a stiff upper lip - (xem) lip !to keep tab(s) on - (xem) tab !to keep one's temper - (xem) temper !to keep good time - đúng giờ (đồng hồ) !to keep track of track - (xem) track !to keep up appearances - (xem) appearance !to keep watch - cảnh giác đề phòng * danh từ - sự nuôi thân, sự nuôi nấng (gia đình...); cái để nuôi thân, cái để nuôi nấng (gia đình...) =to earn one's keep+ kiếm ăn, kiếm cái nuôi thân - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) người giữ - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) nhà tù, nhà giam - (sử học) tháp, pháo đài, thành luỹ !for keeps - (thông tục) thường xuyên; mãi mãi, vĩnh viễn !in good keep - trong tình trạng tốt !in low keep - trong tình trạng xấu

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > keep

  • 12 kept

    /ki:p/ * ngoại động từ kept - giữ, giữ lại =to keep something as a souvenir+ giữ cái gì coi như một vật kỷ niệm =to keep hold of something+ nắm giữ cái gì - giữ, tuân theo, y theo, thi hành, đúng =to keep one's promise (word)+ giữ lời hứa =to keep an appointment+ y hẹn =to keep the laws+ tuân giữ pháp luật - giữ, canh phòng, bảo vệ; phù hộ =to keep the town against the enemy+ bảo vệ thành phố chống lại kẻ thù =God keep you!+ Chúa phù hộ cho anh! =to keep the goal+ (thể dục,thể thao) giữ gôn - giữ gìn, giấu =to keep a secret+ giữ một điều bí mật =to keep something from somebody+ giấu ai cái gì - giữ gìn (cho ngăn nắp gọn gàng), bảo quản; chăm sóc, trông nom; quản lý =to keep the house for somebody+ trông nom nhà cửa cho ai =to keep the cash+ giữ két =to keep a shop+ quản lý một cửa hiệu - giữ riêng, để ra, để riêng ra, để dành =to keep something to onself+ giữ riêng cái gì cho mình =to keep something for future time+ để dành cái gì cho mai sau - giữ lại, giam giữ =to keep somebody in prison+ giam ai vào tù - ((thường) + from) giữ cho khỏi, giữ đứng, ngăn lại, nhịn tránh =to keep somebody from falling+ giữ cho ai khỏi ngã =to keep oneself from smoking+ nhịn hút thuốc - nuôi, nuôi nấng; bao (gái) =to keep a family+ nuôi nấng gia đình =to keep bees+ nuôi ong =to keep a woman+ bao gái =a kept woman+ gái bao - (thương nghiệp) có thường xuyên để bán =do they keep postcards here?+ ở đây người ta có bán bưu thiếp không? - cứ, cứ để cho, bắt phải =to keep silence+ cứ làm thinh =to keep someone waiting+ bắt ai chờ đợi - không rời, ở lỳ, vẫn cứ, ở trong tình trạng =to keep one's room+ không ra khỏi phòng (ốm...) - theo =to keep a straight course+ theo một con đường thẳng - (+ at) bắt làm kiên trì, bắt làm bền bỉ =to keep sosmebody at some work+ bắt ai làm bền bỉ một công việc gì - làm (lễ...), tổ chức (lễ kỷ niện...) =to keep one's birthday+ tổ chức kỷ niệm ngày sinh * nội động từ - vẫn cứ, cứ, vẫn ở tình trạng tiếp tục =the weather will keep fine+ thời tiết sẽ vẫn cứ đẹp =to keep laughing+ cứ cười =keep straight on for two miles+ anh hây cứ tiếp tục đi thẳng hai dặm đường nữa - (thông tục) ở =where do you keep?+ anh ở đâu? - đẻ được, giữ được, để dành được (không hỏng, không thổi...) (đồ ăn...) =these apples do not keep+ táo này không để được - (+ to) giữ lấy, bám lấy, cứ theo, không rời xa =to keep to one's course+ cứ đi theo con đường của mình =to keep to one's promise+ giữ lời hứa =keep to the right+ hây cứ theo bên phải mà đi - (nghĩa bóng) có thể để đấy, có thể đợi đấy =that business can keep+ công việc đó có thể hây cứ để đấy đã - (+ from, off) rời xa, tránh xa; nhịn =keep off!+ tránh ra!, xê ra! =keep off the grass+ không được giẫm lên bãi cỏ - (+ at) làm kiên trì, làm bền bỉ (công việc gì...) =to keep had at work for a week+ làm bền bỉ trong suốt một tuần !to keep away - để xa ra, bắt ở xa ra; cất đi =keep knives away from children+ cất dao đi đừng cho trẻ con nghịch !to keep back - giữ lại - làm chậm lại; chặn lại, cản lại, cầm lại =to keep back one's téa+ cầm nước mắt - giấu không nói ra - đứng ở đằng sau, ở lại đằng sau - tránh xa ra !to keep down - cầm lại, nén lại, dằn lại - cản không cho lên, giữ không cho lên =to keep prices down+ giữ giá không cho lên - không trở dậy (cứ quỳ, cứ ngồi, cứ nằm) - (quân sự) nằm phục kích !to keep from - nhịn, kiêng, nén, nín; tự kiềm chế được =can't keep from laughing+ không nén cười được !to keep in - dằn lại, nén lại, kiềm chế, kìm lại (sự xúc đông, tình cảm...) - giữ không cho ra ngoài; phạt bắt (học sinh) ở lại sau giờ học - giữ cho (ngọn lửa) cháy đều - ở trong nhà, không ra ngoài - vẫn thân thiện, vẫn hoà thuận (với ai) =to keep in with somebody+ vẫn thân thiện với ai !to keep off - để cách xa ra, làm cho xa ra - ở cách xa ra, tránh ra !to keep on - cứ vẫn tiếp tục =to keep on reading+ cứ đọc tiếp - cứ để, cứ giữ =to keep on one's hat+ cứ để mũ trên đầu (không bỏ ra) !to keep out - không cho vào; không để cho, không cho phép =to keep children out of mischief+ không để cho trẻ con nghịch tinh - đứng ngoài, không xen vào, không dính vào; tránh =to keep out of somebody's way+ tránh ai =to keep out of quarrel+ không xen vào cuộc cãi lộn !to keeo together - kết hợp nhau, gắn bó với nhau, không rời nhau !to keep under - đè nén, thống trị, bắt quy phục; kiềm chế !to keep up - giữ vững, giữ không cho đổ, giữ không cho hạ, giữ không cho xuống; giữ cho tốt, bảo quản tốt (máy...) =to keep up one's spirits+ giữ vững tinh thần =to keep up prices+ giữ giá không cho xuống - duy trì, tiếp tục, không bỏ =to keep up a correspondence+ vẫn cứ tiếp tục thư từ qua lại - bắt thức đêm, không cho đi ngủ - giữ vững tinh thần; không giảm, không hạ - (+ with) theo kịp, ngang hàng với, không thua kém =to keep up with somebody+ theo kịp ai, không thua kém ai !to keep abreast of (with) - theo kịp, không lạc hậu so với =to keep abreast with the timmes+ theo kịp thời đại !to keep a check on - (xem) check !to keep clear of - tránh, tránh xa !to keep company - (xem) company !to keep somebody company - (xem) company !to keep good (bad) company - (xem) company !to keep one's countenance - (xem) countenance !to keep one's [own] counsel - (xem) counsel !to keep dark - lẫn trốn, núp trốn !to keep one's distance - (xem) distance !to keep doing something - tiếp tục làm việc gì !to keep one's end up - không đầu hàng, không nhượng bộ; giữ vững ý kiến của mình !to keep an eye on - để mắt vào, theo dõi; trông giữ, canh giữ !to keep somebody going - giúp đỡ ai về vật chất (để cho có thể sống được, làm ăn được...) !to keep one's hair on - (xem) hair !to keep one's head - (xem) head !to keep late hours - (xem) hour !to keep mum - lặng thinh, nín lặng; giữ kín, không nói ra !to keep oneself to oneswelf - không thích giao thiệp; không thích giao du; sống tách rời !to keep open house - ai đến cũng tiếp đãi, rất hiếu khách !to keep pace with - (xem) pace !to keep peace with - giữ quan hệ tốt với !to keep one's shirt on - (xem) shirt !to keep a stiff upper lip - (xem) lip !to keep tab(s) on - (xem) tab !to keep one's temper - (xem) temper !to keep good time - đúng giờ (đồng hồ) !to keep track of track - (xem) track !to keep up appearances - (xem) appearance !to keep watch - cảnh giác đề phòng * danh từ - sự nuôi thân, sự nuôi nấng (gia đình...); cái để nuôi thân, cái để nuôi nấng (gia đình...) =to earn one's keep+ kiếm ăn, kiếm cái nuôi thân - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) người giữ - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) nhà tù, nhà giam - (sử học) tháp, pháo đài, thành luỹ !for keeps - (thông tục) thường xuyên; mãi mãi, vĩnh viễn !in good keep - trong tình trạng tốt !in low keep - trong tình trạng xấu

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > kept

  • 13 run

    run [rʌn]
    course1 (a), 1 (b) excursion1 (c) trajet1 (e) vol1 (f) série1 (i), 1 (k) tendance1 (l) ruée1 (m) diriger2 (a) organiser2 (b) (faire) marcher2 (c), 3 (k) courir2 (e), 3 (a), 3 (b) transporter2 (i) conduire2 (k) (faire) passer2 (l), 2 (m), 3 (d) se sauver3 (c) couler3 (h), 3 (i) fondre3 (i) circuler3 (l) durer3 (m) être à l'affiche3 (n) (se) présenter2 (q), 3 (r)
    (pt ran [ræn], pp run, cont running)
    1 noun
    (a) (action) course f;
    he took a short run and cleared the gate après un court élan il a franchi la barrière;
    at a run en courant;
    to go for a run aller faire du jogging;
    to go for a 5-mile run courir 8 kilomètres;
    I took the dog for a run in the park j'ai emmené le chien courir dans le parc;
    two policemen arrived at a run deux policiers sont arrivés au pas de course;
    to break into a run se mettre à courir;
    to make a run for it prendre la fuite, se sauver;
    the murderer is on the run le meurtrier est en cavale;
    she was on the run from her creditors/the police elle essayait d'échapper à ses créanciers/à la police;
    we've got them on the run! nous les avons mis en déroute!;
    figurative we have the run of the house while the owners are away nous disposons de toute la maison pendant l'absence des propriétaires;
    we give the au pair the run of the place nous laissons à la jeune fille au pair la libre disposition de la maison;
    you've had a good run (for your money), it's time to step down tu en as bien profité, maintenant il faut laisser la place à un autre;
    they gave the Russian team a good run for their money ils ont donné du fil à retordre à l'équipe soviétique;
    familiar to have the runs (diarrhoea) avoir la courante
    (b) (race) course f;
    a charity run une course de charité
    (c) (drive) excursion f, promenade f;
    we went for a run down to the coast nous sommes allés nous promener au bord de la mer;
    she took me for a run in her new car elle m'a emmené faire un tour dans sa nouvelle voiture;
    humorous shall I make or do a beer run? je vais chercher de la bière?;
    I do the school run in the morning c'est moi qui emmène les enfants à l'école tous les matins
    (d) (for smuggling) passage m;
    the gang used to make runs across the border le gang passait régulièrement la frontière
    (e) (route, itinerary) trajet m, parcours m;
    the buses on the London to Glasgow run les cars qui font le trajet ou qui assurent le service Londres-Glasgow;
    he used to do the London (to) Glasgow run (pilot, bus or train driver) il faisait la ligne Londres-Glasgow;
    it's only a short run into town le trajet jusqu'au centre-ville n'est pas long;
    there was very little traffic on the run down nous avons rencontré très peu de circulation
    (f) Aviation (flight) vol m, mission f;
    bombing run mission f de bombardement
    (g) Sport (in cricket, baseball) point m;
    to make 10 runs marquer 10 points
    (h) (track → for skiing, bobsleighing) piste f
    (i) (series, sequence) série f, succession f, suite f;
    they've had a run of ten defeats ils ont connu dix défaites consécutives;
    the recent run of events la récente série d'événements;
    a run of bad luck une série ou suite de malheurs;
    you seem to be having a run of good/bad luck on dirait que la chance est/n'est pas de ton côté en ce moment;
    the play had a triumphant run on Broadway la pièce a connu un succès triomphal à Broadway;
    the play had a run of nearly two years la pièce a tenu l'affiche (pendant) presque deux ans;
    to have a long run (of fashion, person in power) tenir longtemps; (of play) tenir longtemps l'affiche;
    in the long/short run à long/court terme
    (k) (of product) lot m, série f; (of book) tirage m;
    a run of fewer than 500 would be uneconomical fabriquer une série de moins de 500 unités ne serait pas rentable
    (l) (general tendency, trend) tendance f;
    to score against the run of play marquer contre le jeu;
    I was lucky and got the run of the cards j'avais de la chance, les cartes m'étaient favorables;
    the usual run of colds and upset stomachs les rhumes et les maux de ventre habituels;
    she's well above the average or ordinary run of students elle est bien au-dessus de la moyenne des étudiants;
    the ordinary run of mankind le commun des mortels;
    in the ordinary run of things normalement, en temps normal;
    out of the common run hors du commun
    (m) (great demand → on product, currency, Stock Exchange) ruée f (on sur);
    the heatwave caused a run on suntan cream la vague de chaleur provoqua une ruée sur les crèmes solaires;
    a run on the banks un retrait massif des dépôts bancaires;
    Stock Exchange there was a run on the dollar il y a eu une ruée sur le dollar
    (n) (operation → of machine) opération f;
    computer run passage m machine
    (o) (bid → in election) candidature f;
    his run for the presidency sa candidature à la présidence
    (p) (ladder → in stocking, tights) échelle f, maille f filée;
    I've got a run in my tights mon collant est filé
    (q) (enclosure → for animals) enclos m;
    chicken run poulailler m
    (r) (of salmon) remontée f
    (s) Music roulade f
    (a) (manage → company, office) diriger, gérer; (→ shop, restaurant, club) tenir; (→ theatre) diriger; (→ farm) exploiter; (→ newspaper, magazine) rédiger; (→ house) tenir; (→ country) gouverner, diriger;
    she runs the bar while her parents are away elle tient le bar pendant l'absence de ses parents;
    a badly run organization une organisation mal gérée;
    the library is run by volunteer workers la bibliothèque est tenue par des bénévoles;
    the farm was too big for him to run alone la ferme était trop grande pour qu'il puisse s'en occuper seul;
    who's running this outfit? qui est le patron ici?;
    I wish she'd stop trying to run my life! j'aimerais bien qu'elle arrête de me dire comment vivre ma vie!
    (b) (organize, lay on → service, course, contest) organiser; (→ train, bus) mettre en service;
    to run a bridge tournament/a raffle organiser un tournoi de bridge/une tombola;
    they run evening classes in computing ils organisent des cours du soir en informatique;
    they run extra trains in the summer l'été ils mettent (en service) des trains supplémentaires;
    several private companies run buses to the airport plusieurs sociétés privées assurent un service d'autobus pour l'aéroport
    (c) (operate → piece of equipment) faire marcher, faire fonctionner; Computing (program) exécuter, faire tourner;
    you can run it off solar energy/the mains vous pouvez le faire fonctionner à l'énergie solaire/sur secteur;
    this computer runs most software on peut utiliser la plupart des logiciels sur cet ordinateur;
    Aviation to run the engines (for checking) faire le point fixe;
    I can't afford to run a car any more je n'ai plus les moyens d'avoir une voiture;
    she runs a Porsche elle roule en Porsche
    (d) (conduct → experiment, test) effectuer
    (e) (do or cover at a run → race, distance) courir;
    to run the marathon courir le marathon;
    I can still run 2 km in under 7 minutes j'arrive encore à courir ou à couvrir 2 km en moins de 7 minutes;
    the children were running races les enfants faisaient la course;
    the race will be run in Paris next year la course aura lieu à Paris l'année prochaine;
    to run messages or errands faire des commissions ou des courses;
    he'd run a mile if he saw it il prendrait ses jambes à son cou s'il voyait ça;
    it looks as if his race is run on dirait qu'il a fait son temps
    to be run off one's feet être débordé;
    you're running the poor boy off his feet! le pauvre, tu es en train de l'épuiser!;
    to run oneself to a standstill courir jusqu'à l'épuisement
    (g) (enter for race → horse, greyhound) faire courir
    (h) (hunt, chase) chasser;
    to run deer chasser le cerf;
    the outlaws were run out of town les hors-la-loi furent chassés de la ville
    (i) (transport → goods) transporter; (give lift to → person) conduire, emmener;
    I'll run you to the bus stop je vais te conduire à l'arrêt de bus;
    to run sb back home reconduire qn chez lui;
    I've got to run these boxes over to my new house je dois emporter ces boîtes dans ma nouvelle maison
    (j) (smuggle) faire le trafic de;
    he's suspected of running drugs/guns il est soupçonné de trafic de drogue/d'armes
    (k) (drive → vehicle) conduire;
    I ran the car into the driveway j'ai mis la voiture dans l'allée;
    could you run your car back a bit? pourriez-vous reculer un peu votre voiture?;
    I ran my car into a lamppost je suis rentré dans un réverbère (avec ma voiture);
    he tried to run me off the road! il a essayé de me faire sortir de la route!
    (l) (pass, quickly or lightly) passer;
    he ran his hand through his hair il se passa la main dans les cheveux;
    he ran a comb through his hair il se donna un coup de peigne;
    I'll run a duster over the furniture je passerai un coup de chiffon sur les meubles;
    she ran her hands over the controls elle promena ses mains sur les boutons de commande;
    she ran her finger down the list/her eye over the text elle parcourut la liste du doigt/le texte des yeux
    it would be better to run the wires under the floorboards ce serait mieux de faire passer les fils sous le plancher;
    we could run a cable from the house nous pourrions amener un câble de la maison;
    run the other end of the rope through the loop passez l'autre bout de la corde dans la boucle
    (n) (go through or past → blockade) forcer; (→ rapids) franchir; American (→ red light) brûler
    (o) (cause to flow) faire couler;
    run the water into the basin faites couler l'eau dans la cuvette;
    to run a bath faire couler un bain
    (p) (publish) publier;
    the local paper is running a series of articles on the scandal le journal local publie une série d'articles sur le scandale;
    to run an ad (in the newspaper) passer ou faire passer une annonce (dans le journal)
    they're running a candidate in every constituency ils présentent un candidat dans chaque circonscription
    to run a temperature or fever avoir de la fièvre
    to run the danger or risk of doing sth courir le risque de faire qch;
    you run the risk of a heavy fine vous risquez une grosse amende;
    do you realize the risks you're running? est-ce que vous réalisez les risques que vous prenez?
    (a) (gen) courir;
    I run every morning in the park je cours tous les matins dans le parc;
    to come running towards sb accourir vers qn;
    they ran out of the house ils sont sortis de la maison en courant;
    to run upstairs/downstairs monter/descendre l'escalier en courant;
    I had to run for the train j'ai dû courir pour attraper le train;
    she ran for the police elle a couru chercher la police;
    run and fetch me a glass of water cours me chercher un verre d'eau;
    I'll just run across or round or over to the shop je fais un saut à l'épicerie;
    to run to meet sb courir ou se précipiter à la rencontre de qn;
    I've been running all over the place looking for you j'ai couru partout à ta recherche;
    figurative I didn't expect her to go running to the press with the story je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'elle coure raconter l'histoire à la presse;
    don't come running to me with your problems ne viens pas m'embêter avec tes problèmes
    (b) (compete in race) courir; (score in cricket, baseball) marquer;
    to run in a race (horse, person) participer à une course;
    there are twenty horses running in the race vingt chevaux participent à la course;
    she ran for her country in the Olympics elle a couru pour son pays aux jeux Olympiques
    (c) (flee) se sauver, fuir;
    run for your lives! sauve qui peut!;
    familiar if the night watchman sees you, run for it! si le veilleur de nuit te voit, tire-toi ou file!;
    figurative you can't just keep running from your past vous ne pouvez pas continuer à fuir votre passé
    (d) (pass → road, railway, boundary) passer;
    a tunnel runs under the mountain un tunnel passe sous la montagne;
    the railway line runs through a valley/over a viaduct le chemin de fer passe dans une vallée/sur un viaduc;
    the pipes run under the road les tuyaux passent sous la route;
    the road runs alongside the river/parallel to the coast la route longe la rivière/la côte;
    hedgerows run between the fields des haies séparent les champs;
    the road runs due north la route va droit vers le nord;
    to run north and south être orienté nord-sud;
    a canal running from London to Birmingham un canal qui va de Londres à Birmingham;
    a high fence runs around the building une grande barrière fait le tour du bâtiment;
    the lizard has red markings running down its back le dos du lézard est zébré de rouge;
    the line of print ran off the page la ligne a débordé de la feuille;
    figurative our lives seem to be running in different directions il semble que nos vies prennent des chemins différents
    (e) (move, go → ball, vehicle) rouler; (slip, slide → rope, cable) filer;
    the pram ran down the hill out of control le landau a dévalé la côte;
    the tram runs on special tracks le tramway roule sur des rails spéciaux;
    the crane runs on rails la grue se déplace sur des rails;
    the piano runs on casters le piano est monté sur (des) roulettes;
    the truck ran off the road le camion a quitté la route;
    let the cord run through your hands laissez la corde filer entre vos mains;
    his fingers ran over the controls ses doigts se promenèrent sur les boutons de commande;
    her eyes ran down the list elle parcourut la liste des yeux;
    a shiver ran down my spine un frisson me parcourut le dos;
    his thoughts ran to that hot August day in Paris cette chaude journée d'août à Paris lui revint à l'esprit
    (f) (words, text)
    how does that last verse run? c'est quoi la dernière strophe?;
    their argument or reasoning runs something like this voici plus ou moins leur raisonnement;
    the conversation ran something like this voilà en gros ce qui s'est dit
    (g) (spread → rumour, news) se répandre
    (h) (flow → river, water, tap, nose) couler;
    let the water run until it's hot laisse couler l'eau jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit chaude;
    the water's run cold l'eau est froide au robinet;
    you've let the water run cold tu as laissé couler l'eau trop longtemps, elle est devenue froide;
    your bath is running ton bain est en train de couler;
    your nose is running tu as le nez qui coule;
    the cold made our eyes run le froid nous piquait les yeux;
    the hot water runs along/down this pipe l'eau chaude passe/descend dans ce tuyau;
    their faces were running with sweat leurs visages ruisselaient de transpiration;
    tears ran down her face des larmes coulaient sur son visage;
    the streets were running with blood le sang coulait dans les rues;
    the river ran red with blood les eaux de la rivière étaient rouges de sang;
    the Jari runs into the Amazon le Jari se jette dans l'Amazone
    (i) (butter, ice cream, wax) fondre; (cheese) couler; (paint) goutter;
    her mascara had run son mascara avait coulé
    (j) (in wash → colour, fabric) déteindre;
    wash that dress separately, the colour might run lave cette robe à part, elle pourrait déteindre
    (k) (operate → engine, machine, business) marcher, fonctionner;
    to run on or off electricity/gas/diesel fonctionner à l'électricité/au gaz/au diesel;
    this machine runs off the mains cet appareil se branche sur (le) secteur;
    the tape recorder was still running le magnétophone était encore en marche;
    leave the engine running laissez tourner le moteur;
    the engine is running smoothly le moteur tourne rond;
    the new assembly line is up and running la nouvelle chaîne de montage est en service;
    Computing do not interrupt the program while it is running ne pas interrompre le programme en cours d'exécution;
    Computing this software runs on DOS ce logiciel tourne sous DOS;
    Computing running at… cadencé à…;
    figurative everything is running smoothly tout marche très bien
    this train doesn't run/only runs on Sundays ce train ne circule pas/ne circule que le dimanche;
    some bus lines run all night certaines lignes d'autobus sont en service toute la nuit;
    the buses stop running at midnight après minuit il n'y a plus de bus;
    trains running between London and Manchester trains qui circulent entre Londres et Manchester;
    trains running to Calais are cancelled les trains à destination de Calais sont annulés;
    he took the tube that runs through Clapham il prit la ligne de métro qui passe par Clapham
    (m) (last) durer; (be valid → contract) être ou rester valide; (→ agreement) être ou rester en vigueur; Finance (→ interest) courir;
    the sales run from the beginning to the end of January les soldes durent du début à la fin janvier;
    the sales have only another two days to run il ne reste que deux jours de soldes;
    the meeting ran for an hour longer than expected la réunion a duré une heure de plus que prévu;
    I'd like the ad to run for a week je voudrais que l'annonce passe pendant une semaine;
    the lease has another year to run le bail n'expire pas avant un an;
    your subscription will run for two years votre abonnement sera valable deux ans;
    interest runs from 1 January les intérêts courent à partir du 1er janvier
    (n) Cinema & Theatre (be performed → play, film) être à l'affiche;
    the play has been running for a year la pièce est à l'affiche depuis un an;
    the film is currently running in Hull le film est actuellement sur les écrans à Hull;
    his new musical should run and run! sa nouvelle comédie musicale devrait tenir l'affiche pendant des mois!;
    Television this soap opera has been running for twenty years ça fait vingt ans que ce feuilleton est diffusé;
    America's longest-running TV series la plus longue série télévisée américaine
    (o) (occur → inherited trait, illness)
    twins run in our family les jumeaux sont courants dans la famille;
    heart disease runs in the family les maladies cardiaques sont fréquentes dans notre famille
    (p) (range) aller;
    the colours run from dark blue to bright green les couleurs vont du bleu foncé au vert vif
    to run high (sea) être grosse ou houleuse;
    feelings or tempers were running high les esprits étaient échauffés;
    their ammunition was running low ils commençaient à manquer de munitions;
    our stores are running low nos provisions s'épuisent ou tirent à leur fin;
    he's running scared il a la frousse;
    to be running late être en retard, avoir du retard;
    programmes are running ten minutes late les émissions ont toutes dix minutes de retard;
    sorry I can't stop, I'm running a bit late désolé, je ne peux pas rester, je suis un peu en retard;
    events are running in our favour les événements tournent en notre faveur;
    inflation was running at 18 percent le taux d'inflation était de 18 pour cent
    (r) (be candidate, stand) se présenter;
    to run for president or the presidency se présenter aux élections présidentielles, être candidat aux élections présidentielles ou à la présidence;
    to run for office se porter candidat;
    she's running on a law-and-order ticket elle se présente aux élections avec un programme basé sur la lutte contre l'insécurité;
    he ran against Reagan in 1984 il s'est présenté contre Reagan en 1984
    (s) (drive) faire un tour ou une promenade;
    why don't we run down to the coast/up to London? si on faisait un tour jusqu'à la mer/jusqu'à Londres?
    to run (before the wind) filer vent arrière;
    to run aground échouer; figurative (project, plan) capoter
    (u) (ladder → stocking, tights) filer
    (v) (salmon) remonter les rivières
    (w) (tide) monter
    British courir (çà et là);
    I've been running about all day looking for you! j'ai passé ma journée à te chercher partout!
    (meet → acquaintance) rencontrer par hasard, tomber sur; (find → book, reference) trouver par hasard, tomber sur
    traverser en courant
    also figurative courir après;
    it's not like her to run after a man ce n'est pas son genre de courir après un homme;
    she spends half her life running after her kids elle passe son temps à être derrière les enfants;
    he's got all these assistants running after him the whole time il a tout un tas d'assistants qui passent sans arrêt derrière ce qu'il fait
    (go away) s'en aller, partir;
    it's getting late, I must be running along il se fait tard, il faut que j'y aille;
    run along to bed now, children! allez les enfants, au lit maintenant!
    (a) (from place to place) courir (çà et là) ;
    I've been running around all day looking for you! j'ai passé ma journée à te chercher partout!
    (b) (be unfaithful → husband) courir après les femmes; (→ wife) courir après les hommes;
    he was sure his wife was running around il était sûr que sa femme le trompait
    familiar (be friendly with) fréquenter ; (have affair with) sortir avec ;
    he's always running around with other women il est toujours en train de courir après d'autres femmes
    (a) (flee) se sauver, s'enfuir;
    their son has run away from home leur fils a fait une fugue;
    I'll be with you in a minute, don't run away je serai à toi dans un instant, ne te sauve pas;
    run away and play now, children allez jouer ailleurs, les enfants;
    figurative to run away from one's responsibilities fuir ses responsabilités;
    to run away from the facts se refuser à l'évidence
    (b) (elope) partir
    he ran away with his best friend's wife il est parti avec la femme de son meilleur ami;
    he ran away with the takings il est parti avec la caisse
    she tends to let her imagination run away with her elle a tendance à se laisser emporter par son imagination
    (c) (get → idea)
    don't go running away with the idea or the notion that it will be easy n'allez pas vous imaginer que ce sera facile
    (d) (win → race, match) emporter haut la main; (→ prize) remporter;
    they ran away with nearly all the medals ils ont remporté presque toutes les médailles
    (a) (drive back) raccompagner (en voiture);
    she ran me back home elle m'a ramené ou raccompagné chez moi en voiture;
    he ran me back on his motorbike il m'a raccompagné en moto
    (b) (rewind → tape, film) rembobiner
    (a) (return) retourner ou revenir en courant;
    familiar to come running back (errant husband etc) revenir
    to run back over sth passer qch en revue
    to run sth by sb (submit) soumettre qch à qn;
    you'd better run that by the committee vous feriez mieux de demander l'avis du comité;
    run that by me again répétez-moi ça
    (a) (reduce, diminish → gen) réduire; (→ number of employees) diminuer; (→ stocks) laisser s'épuiser; (→ industry, factory) fermer progressivement;
    they are running down their military presence in Africa ils réduisent leur présence militaire en Afrique;
    the government was accused of running down the steel industry le gouvernement a été accusé de laisser dépérir la sidérurgie;
    you've run the battery down vous avez déchargé la pile; (of car) vous avez vidé ou déchargé la batterie, vous avez mis la batterie à plat
    (b) familiar (criticize, denigrate) rabaisser ;
    they're always running her friends down ils passent leur temps à dire du mal de ou à dénigrer ses amis ;
    stop running yourself down all the time cesse de te rabaisser constamment
    (c) (in car → pedestrian, animal) renverser, écraser;
    he was run down by a bus il s'est fait renverser par un bus
    (d) (track down → animal, criminal) (traquer et) capturer; (→ person, object) dénicher;
    I finally ran down the reference in the library j'ai fini par dénicher la référence à la bibliothèque
    (a) (person) descendre en courant
    (b) (clock, machine) s'arrêter; (battery → through use) s'user; (→ through a fault) se décharger;
    the batteries in the radio are beginning to run down les piles de la radio commencent à être usées
    run in
    (a) British (car, engine) roder
    (a) (person) entrer en courant
    (b) British (car, engine)
    running in en rodage
    (a) (encounter → problem, difficulty) rencontrer
    (b) (meet → acquaintance) rencontrer (par hasard), tomber sur;
    to run into debt faire des dettes, s'endetter
    (c) (collide with → of car, driver) percuter, rentrer dans;
    I ran into a lamppost je suis rentrée dans un réverbère;
    you should be more careful, you nearly ran into me! tu devrais faire attention, tu as failli me rentrer dedans!
    (d) (amount to) s'élever à;
    debts running into millions of dollars des dettes qui s'élèvent à des millions de dollars;
    takings run into five figures la recette atteint les cinq chiffres
    (e) (merge into) se fondre dans, se confondre avec;
    the red runs into orange le rouge devient orange;
    the words began to run into each other before my eyes les mots commençaient à se confondre devant mes yeux
    run off
    (a) (print) tirer, imprimer; (photocopy) photocopier;
    run me off five copies of this report faites-moi cinq copies de ce rapport
    (c) Sport (race) disputer;
    the heats will be run off tomorrow les éliminatoires se disputeront demain
    (d) (lose → excess weight, fat) perdre en courant
    (e) (liquid) laisser s'écouler
    (a) (flee) se sauver, s'enfuir;
    I'll be with you in a minute, don't run off je serai à toi dans un instant, ne te sauve pas
    (b) (liquid) s'écouler
    run on
    (lines of writing) ne pas découper en paragraphes; (letters, words) ne pas séparer, lier
    (a) (continue) continuer, durer; (drag on) s'éterniser;
    the play ran on for hours la pièce a duré des heures;
    the discussion ran on for an extra hour la discussion a duré une heure de plus que prévu
    (b) familiar (talk non-stop) parler sans cesse ;
    he does run on rather quand il est parti celui-là, il ne s'arrête plus;
    he can run on for hours if you let him si tu le laisses faire il peut tenir le crachoir pendant des heures
    (c) (line of text) suivre sans alinéa; (verse) enjamber
    run out
    (a) (cable, rope) laisser filer
    to run a batsman out mettre un batteur hors jeu
    (a) (person, animal) sortir en courant; (liquid) s'écouler
    (b) (be used up → supplies, money etc) s'épuiser, (venir à) manquer; (→ time) filer;
    hurry up, time is running out! dépêchez-vous, il ne reste plus beaucoup de temps!;
    their luck finally ran out la chance a fini par tourner, leur chance n'a pas duré
    (c) (expire → contract, passport, agreement) expirer, venir à expiration
    manquer de;
    we're running out of ammunition nous commençons à manquer de munitions;
    we're running out of sugar nous allons nous trouver à court de sucre;
    he's run out of money il n'a plus d'argent;
    to run out of patience être à bout de patience;
    to run out of petrol tomber en panne d'essence
    (spouse, colleague) laisser tomber, abandonner;
    she ran out on her husband elle a quitté son mari;
    his assistants all ran out on him ses assistants l'ont tous abandonné ou laissé tomber
    (pedestrian, animal) écraser;
    I nearly got run over j'ai failli me faire écraser;
    he's been run over il s'est fait écraser;
    the car ran over his legs la voiture lui est passé sur les jambes
    (a) (review) revoir; (rehearse) répéter; (recap) récapituler;
    let's run over the arguments one more time before the meeting reprenons les arguments une dernière fois avant la réunion;
    could you run over the main points for us? pourriez-vous nous récapituler les principaux points?
    to run over the allotted time excéder le temps imparti
    (a) (overflow) déborder;
    literary my cup runneth over je nage dans le bonheur;
    to run over with energy/enthusiasm déborder d'énergie/d'enthousiasme
    (b) (run late) dépasser l'heure; Radio & Television dépasser le temps d'antenne, déborder sur le temps d'antenne;
    the programme ran over by twenty minutes l'émission a dépassé son temps d'antenne de vingt minutes
    passer en courant
    (a) (cross → of person) traverser en courant;
    figurative money runs through his fingers like water l'argent lui brûle les doigts
    (b) (pervade → of thought, feeling)
    a strange idea ran through my mind une idée étrange m'a traversé l'esprit;
    a thrill of excitement ran through her un frisson d'émotion la parcourut;
    an angry murmur ran through the crowd des murmures de colère parcoururent la foule;
    his words kept running through my head ses paroles ne cessaient de retentir dans ma tête;
    an air of melancholy runs through the whole film une atmosphère de mélancolie imprègne tout le film
    (c) (review) revoir; (rehearse) répéter; (recap) récapituler;
    she ran through the arguments in her mind elle repassa les arguments dans sa tête;
    let's just run through the procedure one more time reprenons une dernière fois la marche à suivre;
    I'll run through your speech with you je vous ferai répéter votre discours
    (d) (read quickly) parcourir (des yeux), jeter un coup d'œil sur
    (e) (use up → money) dépenser; (→ case of wine, coffee) consommer; (squander → fortune) gaspiller;
    he runs through a dozen shirts a week il lui faut une douzaine de chemises par semaine
    to run sb through (with a sword) transpercer qn (d'un coup d'épée)
    (a) (amount to) se chiffrer à;
    her essay ran to twenty pages sa dissertation faisait vingt pages
    (b) British (afford, be enough for)
    your salary should run to a new computer ton salaire devrait te permettre d'acheter un nouvel ordinateur;
    the budget won't run to champagne le budget ne nous permet pas d'acheter du champagne
    run up
    (a) (debt, bill) laisser s'accumuler;
    I've run up a huge overdraft j'ai un découvert énorme
    (b) (flag) hisser
    (c) (sew quickly) coudre rapidement ou à la hâte
    (climb rapidly) monter en courant; (approach) approcher en courant;
    a young man ran up to me un jeune homme s'approcha de moi en courant
    (encounter) se heurter à;
    we've run up against some problems nous nous sommes heurtés à quelques problèmes

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > run

  • 14 fold

    I [fəʊld]
    1) (crease) (in fabric, paper) piega f.
    2) geogr. avvallamento m.
    3) geol. piega f.

    to increase twofold, threefold — raddoppiare, triplicare

    II 1. [fəʊld]
    1) (crease) piegare [paper, shirt]; chiudere (piegando) [ chair]; piegare, chiudere [ umbrella]; ripiegare, chiudere [ wings]
    2) (intertwine) congiungere [ hands]

    he folded his arms across his chest — incrociò le braccia sul petto, si mise a braccia conserte

    3) gastr. (add) mescolare, unire, incorporare ( into a)
    1) [ chair] chiudersi, essere pieghevole
    2) (fail) [ play] lasciare il cartellone; [ company] chiudere i battenti; [ project] fallire, andare in fumo; [ course] essere annullato
    III [fəʊld]
    nome agr. ovile m.
    * * *
    I 1. [fould] verb
    1) (to double over (material, paper etc): She folded the paper in half.)
    2) (to lay one on top of another: She folded her hands in her lap.)
    3) (to bring in (wings) close to the body: The bird folded its wings.)
    2. noun
    1) (a doubling of one layer of material, paper etc over another: Her dress hung in folds.)
    2) (a mark made especially on paper etc by doing this; a crease: There was a fold in the page.)
    - folder
    - folding
    II [fould] noun
    (a place surrounded by a fence or wall, in which sheep are kept: a sheep fold.)
    * * *
    I [fəʊld] n
    Agr ovile m
    II [fəʊld]
    1. n
    (bend, crease) also Geol piega
    2. vt
    (gen) piegare, (wings) ripiegare
    3. vi
    (chair, table) piegarsi, (fam: fail: business venture) crollare, (play) chiudere
    * * *
    fold (1) /fəʊld/
    1 piega; piegatura; segno di piega: the folds of a skirt, le pieghe di una gonna; a fold in a sheet of paper, una piega in un foglio di carta
    2 corrugamento; increspatura; piega; plica (anat.): a fold of skin, una piega della pelle; un rotolo di carne
    3 (geogr.) ondulazione; avvallamento; collinetta: a fold in the land, un'ondulazione del terreno
    5 spira ( di serpente, ecc.)
    6 (geol.) piega; corrugamento.
    fold (2) /fəʊld/
    1 ovile; addiaccio; stabbio
    2 (fig.: the fold) ovile: to return to the fold, tornare all'ovile; in the family fold, in seno alla famiglia
    3 (relig.) gregge (di anime); (i) fedeli (pl.).
    ♦ (to) fold (1) /fəʊld/
    A v. t.
    1 piegare; ripiegare: to fold a letter [a sheet], piegare una lettera [un lenzuolo]; to fold a tent, ripiegare una tenda; to fold down the corner of a page, piegare in giù l'angolo di una pagina; He folded the clothes into a bundle, fece un involto dei vestiti
    2 chiudere; ripiegare, raccogliere (ali, petali); incrociare ( le braccia); intrecciare ( le dita); unire ( le mani): The bird folded its wings, l'uccello chiuse le ali; with folded arms, a braccia conserte; She sat with folded hands, sedeva con le mani unite in grembo
    3 (con avv. o compl.) avviluppare; avvolgere: to fold st. in paper, avvolgere qc. nella carta; A scarf was folded around his neck, una sciarpa gli avvolgeva il collo; The cliffs were folded in fog, le scogliere erano avvolte dalla nebbia
    4 (con compl.) serrare, stringere ( fra le braccia, ecc.); to fold a child in one's arms, stringere un bambino fra le braccia; to fold sb. to one's breast, abbracciare q.
    5 (geol.) corrugare; piegare
    B v. i.
    1 ( di tavolo, sedia, ecc.) chiudersi; essere pieghevole: to fold flat, chiudersi e diventare piatto
    2 ( a carte = to fold one's cards) passare; non starci
    3 (comm., fam.) chiudere ( per difficoltà finanziarie); cessare l'attività; fallire
    4 ( sport) cedere; crollare
    5 (geol.) corrugarsi; piegarsi.
    (to) fold (2) /fəʊld/
    v. t.
    3 (agric.) stabbiare ( il terreno).
    * * *
    I [fəʊld]
    1) (crease) (in fabric, paper) piega f.
    2) geogr. avvallamento m.
    3) geol. piega f.

    to increase twofold, threefold — raddoppiare, triplicare

    II 1. [fəʊld]
    1) (crease) piegare [paper, shirt]; chiudere (piegando) [ chair]; piegare, chiudere [ umbrella]; ripiegare, chiudere [ wings]
    2) (intertwine) congiungere [ hands]

    he folded his arms across his chest — incrociò le braccia sul petto, si mise a braccia conserte

    3) gastr. (add) mescolare, unire, incorporare ( into a)
    1) [ chair] chiudersi, essere pieghevole
    2) (fail) [ play] lasciare il cartellone; [ company] chiudere i battenti; [ project] fallire, andare in fumo; [ course] essere annullato
    III [fəʊld]
    nome agr. ovile m.

    English-Italian dictionary > fold

  • 15 παραβάλλω

    παραβάλλω, [tense] fut. - βᾰλῶ: [tense] aor. 2 παρέβᾰλον: [tense] pf. - βέβληκα:—
    A throw beside or by, throw to one, as fodder to horses,

    παρὰ δέ σφισι βάλλετ' ἐδωδήν Il.8.504

    , cf. 5.369;

    πὰρ δ' ἔβαλον ζειάς Od.4.41


    π. [τοῖς ἵπποις] ἀμβροσίαν Pl.Phdr. 247e


    π. τοὺς ἀνθρώπους τοῖς ὄχλοις Plb.38.17.2

    ; πυρὶ φρύγανα π. add fuel to the flame, Arr.Epict.2.18.5, cf. 2.18.12:— [voice] Pass., παραβληθῆναι [τοῖς θηρίοις] D.C.59.10; τάριχος.. ἀπόνως παραβεβλημένον thrown carelessly before people, Ar.Fr. 333:—[voice] Med., μάζας ἐπὶ κάλαμον παραβαλλόμενοι ordering them to be served up, Pl.R. 372b.
    2 hold out to one as a bait, X.Cyn.11.2.
    II expose, παρέβαλέν τ' ἐμὲ παρὰ γένος ἀνόσιον put me in their power, Ar.Av. 333 (lyr.);

    τῇ τύχῃ.. αὑτὸν π. Philippid.6

    (v.l. for προ-) ; ἂν δ' ἀληθινὸν σαυτὸν παραβάλλῃς if you present, show yourself.., Posidipp.26:—freq. in [voice] Med., expose oneself or what is one's own to hazard or danger, αἰὲν ἐμὴν ψυχὴν παραβαλλόμενος πολεμίζειν risking it in war, Il.9.322; π. τὰ τέκνα risk the lives of one's children, Hdt.7.10.

    θ; παῖδας Th.2.44

    ; πλείω παραβαλλόμενοι having greater interests at stake, Id.3.65;

    οὐκ ἴσα π. X.Cyr.2.3.11

    : [tense] pf. [voice] Pass. in med. sense, Λακεδαιμονίοις πλεῖστον δὴ παραβεβλημένοι having risked far the most upon them, Th.5.113; also

    τὸν κίνδυνον τῶν σωμάτων παραβαλλομένους Id.3.14

    ; venture,

    πρὸς τὴν θάλατταν ὅταν -βάλωνται Plb.1.37.9


    π. καὶ τολμᾶν Id.18.53.2

    : c. dat.,

    π. τοῖς ὅλοις Id.2.26.6


    τῷ βίῳ IG12(3).1286.22

    ([place name] Astypalaea): c. inf., venture to do, Plu.Pel.8:—[voice] Pass., παραβεβλημένον τι εἰπεῖν make an unguarded statement, Philostr.VA4.42.
    b in wagering, deposit one's stake, Plu.Cat.Mi.44.
    2 compare one with another, Isoc.9.34, etc.;

    τι παρά τι Pl.Grg. 472c

    ; π. [ἵππον] ἵππῳ match one against another, X.Eq.9.8:—in [voice] Med., παραβάλλομαί σοι (sc. ὄρνιθι) θρήνους I set my songs against.., E.IT 1094 (lyr.): abs., παραβαλλόμεναι vying with one another, Id.Andr. 289 (lyr.); [

    ἀφορμὰς] αἷς οὔτε Ἁρμόδιος παραβεβλήσεται Philostr.VA5.34

    :—freq. in [voice] Pass.,

    π. τινί Hdt.4.198


    πρός τι Hp.Art.51

    , X.Mem.2.4.5;

    παρά τι Pl.Grg. 475e

    ; ἀπάτα δ' ἀπάταις παραβαλλομένα one piece of treachery set against another, S.OC 231 (lyr.).
    3 bring alongside, in [voice] Med., τὴν ἄκατον παραβάλλου bring your boat alongside, heave to, Ar.Eq. 762;

    ἐφόλκιον Plu.Pomp.73

    ; also

    π. τὼ κωπίω Ar.Ra. 269

    : abs., παραβαλοῦ ib. 180: metaph., παραβάλλου λοιδορῶν avast with your abuse! Plu.2.711d.
    IV throw, turn, bend sideways, ὄμμα π. θύννου δίκην cast it askance, A.Fr. 308;

    τὸν ὀφθαλμὸν παράβαλλ' ἐς Καρίαν Ar.Eq. 173


    τὠφθαλμὼ παραβάλλεις Id.Nu. 362

    (referred to by Pl.Smp. 221b);

    π. τὸ ἕτερον οὖς πλάγιον X.Cyn.5.32

    ; π. τὰ ὦτα apply one's ears to listen, Pl.R. 531a;

    παραβαλὼν τὴν κεφαλήν Id.Phd. 103a

    ; Ἡρακλεῖ στόμα π. lend one's mouth to Heracles, i.e. join in his praise, Pi.P.9.87 (v.l. περιβ-) ; π. τοὺς γομφίους lay to one's grinders, Ar. Pax34; π. τὸ θύριον τοῦ λόγου, metaph., put to the door.., close it, Plu.2.94 of.
    V deposit with one, entrust to him,

    τινί τι Hdt.2.154

    VI in [voice] Med., deceive, betray, Id.1.108, Th.1.133, Alc.Com.30 ([voice] Act. in the same sense, Hsch.; cf. παραβαλλέταιρος).
    VII Geom., π. παρά .. apply a figure to a finite line,

    παραλληλόγραμμον π. παρὰ εὐθεῖαν Euc.6.27

    , cf. Archim.Aequil.2.1.
    2 since to apply an area xy to a line of length x is to divide xy by x, π. = divide,

    τι παρά τι Dioph.5.10

    , al.; cf. παρά C. 1.4c.
    B intr., come near, approach, Pl.Ly. 203b, PPetr.3p.102 (iii B. C.), etc.; enter, Arist.Pol. 1331a34; π. ἀλλήλοις meet one another, Pl.R. 556c; f.l. for περιβάλῃ, ib. 499b;

    παρέβαλεν Ἀναξιμένει τῷ ῥήτορι

    was a pupil of


    , Plu.2.846f.
    II go by sea, cross over,

    παρέβαλε νηυσὶ ἰθὺ Σκιάθου Hdt.7.179

    , cf. Philipp. ap. D.12.16, Arist.Mir. 836a29; of ships,

    ναῦς Πελοποννησίων ἐς Ἰωνίαν π. Th.3.32

    III come alongside, bring to,

    περὶ Ῥόδον παραβαλόντος ναυτικοῦ στόλου Arist.GA 763a31

    ; παραβαλόντες τῇ πεντήρει having come alongside of her, in a sea-fight, Plb.15.2.12, cf. 1.22.9: generally, come to land, of quails, Arist.HA 597b15:—in [voice] Med., put in,

    πρός τινας Philostr. VA6.16

    V Astrol., to be in the same right ascension as, c. dat., Cat.Cod.Astr.1.113, 5(1).188.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > παραβάλλω

  • 16 intendo

    in-tendo, di, tum and sum, 3, v. a. ( part. intenditus, Fronto, Fer. Als. 3, 11 Mai.), to stretch out or forth, extend.
    In hunc intende digitum, hic lenost, point in scorn, Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 45:

    dextram ad statuam,

    Cic. Att. 16, 15:

    alicui manus,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 25:


    Ov. M. 10, 58:


    id. ib. 8, 107:

    jubet intendi bracchia velis,

    Verg. A. 5, 829:

    intenta bracchia remis, id. ib, 5, 136: ventis vela,

    id. ib. 3, 683:

    nervos aut remittere,

    Plin. 26, 10, 62, § 96:


    id. 8, 35, 53, § 125:

    jamque manus Colchis crinemque intenderat astris,

    Val. Fl. 8, 68.—
    To bend a bow, etc.:

    ballistam in aliquem,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 58:


    Verg. A. 8, 704:

    intentus est arcus in me unum,

    Cic. Sest. 7, 15.—
    To aim or direct at a thing:

    tela in patriam,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 9:

    tela intenta jugulis civitatis,

    id. Pis. 2:


    Verg. A. 9, 590:

    telum in jugulum,

    Plin. Ep. 3, 9.—
    To stretch or spread out; to stretch, lay or put upon a thing:

    tabernacula carbaseis intenta velis,

    pitched, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 12, § 30; 2, 5, 31, § 80:

    sella intenta loris,

    Quint. 6, 3, 25:

    stuppea vincula collo Intendunt,

    Verg. A. 2, 237:

    duro intendere bracchia tergo,

    i. e. to bind with the cestus, id. ib. 5, 403:

    locum sertis,

    encircled, surrounded, id. ib. 4, 506:

    vela secundi Intendunt Zephyri,

    swell, fill, id. ib. 5, 33:

    intendentibus tenebris,

    spreading, Liv. 1, 57, 8.—
    To strain or stretch towards, to extend:

    aciem acrem in omnes partes intendit,

    turns keen looks on every side, Cic. Tusc. 4, 18, 38:

    aciem longius,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 80:

    quo intendisset oculos,

    whithersoever he turns his eyes, Tac. A. 4, 70:

    aures ad verba,

    Ov. P. 4, 4, 36: cum putaret licere senatui, et mitigare leges et intendere, to stretch, i. e. increase the rigor of, Plin. Ep. 4, 9, 17:

    numeros intendere nervis,

    Verg. A. 9, 776 (per nervos intentos, Forbig.); cf.:

    strepitum fidis intendisse Latinae,

    Pers. 6, 4.—
    To direct towards any thing, to turn or bend in any direction:

    digna est res ubi tu nervos intendas tuos,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 20:

    intendenda in senem est fallacia,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 2:

    ut eo quo intendit, cum exercitu mature perveniat,

    Cic. Mur. 9: iter, to direct one ' s course:

    ad explorandum quonam hostes iter intendissent,

    Liv. 31, 33, 6:

    a porta ad praetorem iter intendit,

    id. 36, 21:

    coeptum iter in Italiam,

    id. 21, 29, 6; 27, 46, 9.— Absol.:

    quo nunc primum intendam,

    whither shall I turn? Ter. And. 2, 2, 6.—
    Intendere animum, to direct one ' s thoughts or attention to any thing: quaero enim non quibus intendam rebus animum, sed, etc., Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 329, 6:

    parum defigunt animos et intendunt in ea, quae, etc.,

    id. Ac. 2, 15, 46:

    quo animum intendat, facile perspicio,

    id. Verr. 1, 3;

    Liv. praef. 9: intentus animus tuus est ad fortissimum virum liberandum,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 9:

    oculi mentesque ad pugnam intentae,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 26:

    in ea re omnium nostrorum intentis animis,

    id. ib. 3, 22:

    intendere animum in regnum Adherbalis,

    Sall. J. 20, 1:

    ad bellum animum intendit,

    id. ib. 43, 2:

    animum studiis et rebus honestis,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 36:

    considerationem in aliquam rem,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 33:

    omnes cogitationes ad aliquid,

    Liv. 40, 5:

    omnium eo curae sunt intentae,

    Liv. 9, 31; id. 25, 9:

    ad scribendum animum, oculos, manum,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 7: ubi ingenium intenderis, valet, Sall. J. 51, 3:

    eruditionem tuam,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 14. —
    Hence, intendere alone, to urge on, incite:

    intenderant eum ad cavendi omnia curam tot auditae proditiones,

    Liv. 24, 37:

    aliquem ad custodiae curam,

    id. 21, 49:

    vis omnis intendenda rebus,

    Quint. 10, 7, 21.—
    To enlarge, spread, extend, magnify:

    intendetur socordia, si nullus ex se metus aut spes,

    Tac. A. 2, 38:

    amici accendendis offensionibus callidi, intendere vera. adgerere falsa,

    exaggerated, id. ib. 2, 57;

    4, 11: gloriam,

    id. ib. 4, 26;

    12, 35: tormentum,

    Cels. 4, 15 init.
    Absol., to turn one ' s attention to, exert one ' s self for, to purpose, endeavor, intend:

    pergin, sceleste, intendere hanc arguere?

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 4, 27 Brix:

    quod est tibi ante explicandum, quam illuc proficiscare, quo te dicis intendere,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 42:

    quod ubi secus procedit, neque quod intenderat, efficere potest,

    Sall. J. 25, 10:

    quocumque intenderat,

    id. ib. 74, 2; cf. id. ib. 64, 1;

    102, 1: genera lectionum, quae praecipue convenire intendentibus, ut oratores fiant,

    Quint. 10, 1, 45:

    ad nuptias,

    Just. 13, 6.—
    With inf.:

    quo ire intenderant,

    Sall. J. 107, 7:

    altum petere intendit,

    Liv. 36, 44.—
    Intendere se, to exert one ' s self, prepare for any thing:

    se ad firmitatem,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 23:

    se in rem,

    Quint. 4, 1, 39: qui se intenderunt adversarios in ejus tribunatum, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 4, 2.—
    Intendere animo, to purpose in one ' s mind, to intend:

    si C. Antonius, quod animo intenderat, perficere potuisset,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 4, 9.—
    To maintain, assert:

    eam sese intendit esse,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 19.—Esp., as leg. t. t., to aver, maintain, assert as a plaintiff in court:

    quo modo nunc intendit,

    Cic. Quint. 29, 88: si quod intendit adversarius tuus, probationibus implere non possit, Vet. cujusd. Jurec. Consult. 6, 16 Huschke; Dig. 10, 4, 9, § 6. —
    To threaten with any thing, to seek to bring upon, to afflict with:

    alicui actionem perduellionis,

    Cic. Mil. 14:

    alicui litem,

    id. de Or. 1, 10:

    periculum in omnes,

    id. Rosc. Am. 3:

    crimen in aliquem,

    Liv. 9, 26:

    injuriarum formulam,

    Suet. Vit. 7:

    probra et minas alicui,

    Tac. A. 3, 36:

    metum intendere,

    id. ib. 1, 28.—
    Intendere in se, to contemplate one ' s self: quid sit Deus: totus in se intendat, an ad nos aliquando respiciat, Sen. Q. N. praef. 1.—
    Intendere alicui, to be intended for a person, Stat. S. 3 praef.—
    K. L.
    In gram., to make long, to use (a syllable) as long:

    primam syllabam intendit, tertiam corripuit,

    Gell. 13, 22. 18. — Hence, P. a. in two forms.
    inten-tus, a, um.
    On the stretch, strained, bent:


    Cic. Sen. 10, 37; Plin. 8, 8, 8, § 26.—
    B. (α).
    With dat.:

    quem pueri intenti ludo exercent,

    Verg. A. 7, 380:

    intentus recipiendo exercitui esse,

    Liv. 10, 42, 1.—
    With abl.:

    aliquo negotio intentus,

    Sall. C. 2; id. ib. 4; 54.—
    Absol., eager, intent:

    at Romani domi militiaeque intenti festinare,

    Sall. C. 6, 5:

    senatus nihil sane intentus,

    id. ib. 16, 5:

    intenti exspectant signum,

    Verg. A. 5, 137:

    intenti ora tenebant,

    id. ib. 2, 1:

    totam causam quam maxime intentis, quod aiunt, oculis contemplari,

    Cic. Fl. 11:

    intentaque tuis precibus se praebuit aure,

    Tib. 4, 1, 132. — Comp.:

    intentiore custodia aliquem asservare,

    Liv. 39, 19.— Sup.:

    cum intentissima conquisitione ad triginta milia peditum confecisset,

    Liv. 29, 35:

    intentissima cura aliquid consequi,

    Quint. 10, 1, 111:

    haec omnia intentissima cura acta,

    Liv. 25, 22, 4. —

    intentum et magnis delictis inexorabilem scias,

    Tac. A. 12, 42:

    intentius delectum habere,

    Liv. 8, 17:

    intentiorem fore disciplinam,

    Tac. A. 12, 42.—

    intento alimentorum pretio,

    Tac. H. 1, 89. —
    Of speech and style, vigorous, nervous:


    Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 255:

    pars orationis,

    id. ib. 2, 52, 211. — Adv.: in-tentē, with earnestness, attentively, intently:


    Plin. Ep. 5, 19:


    Quint. 2, 2, 13.— Comp. (cf. intense):

    cum delectus intentius haberetur,

    Liv. 8, 17:

    et quo intentius custodiae serventur,

    id. 25, 30, 5:

    apparare proelium,

    id. 8, 1:

    se excusare,

    Tac. A. 3, 35:

    premere obsessos,

    id. ib. 15, 13:

    adesse alicui rei,

    id. ib. 11, 11.— Sup.:

    exspectans intentissime,

    Lampr. Elag. 14. —
    intensus, a, um.
    Stretched, [p. 976] tightened, tight: per intensos funes ire, Sen. de Ira, 2, 13.—

    intensior impetus,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 35:

    virtus in mediocribus modice intensior,

    Nazar. Pan. ad Const. 23, 2.—
    Attentive; sup., Aug. Ep. 56 al.— Adv.: intensē, violently; comp.: intensius, Fronto de Fer. Als. 3 Mai.; Schol. Juv. 11, 15; sup.:


    Aug. Mor. Eccl. 19.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > intendo

  • 17 intense

    in-tendo, di, tum and sum, 3, v. a. ( part. intenditus, Fronto, Fer. Als. 3, 11 Mai.), to stretch out or forth, extend.
    In hunc intende digitum, hic lenost, point in scorn, Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 45:

    dextram ad statuam,

    Cic. Att. 16, 15:

    alicui manus,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 25:


    Ov. M. 10, 58:


    id. ib. 8, 107:

    jubet intendi bracchia velis,

    Verg. A. 5, 829:

    intenta bracchia remis, id. ib, 5, 136: ventis vela,

    id. ib. 3, 683:

    nervos aut remittere,

    Plin. 26, 10, 62, § 96:


    id. 8, 35, 53, § 125:

    jamque manus Colchis crinemque intenderat astris,

    Val. Fl. 8, 68.—
    To bend a bow, etc.:

    ballistam in aliquem,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 58:


    Verg. A. 8, 704:

    intentus est arcus in me unum,

    Cic. Sest. 7, 15.—
    To aim or direct at a thing:

    tela in patriam,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 9:

    tela intenta jugulis civitatis,

    id. Pis. 2:


    Verg. A. 9, 590:

    telum in jugulum,

    Plin. Ep. 3, 9.—
    To stretch or spread out; to stretch, lay or put upon a thing:

    tabernacula carbaseis intenta velis,

    pitched, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 12, § 30; 2, 5, 31, § 80:

    sella intenta loris,

    Quint. 6, 3, 25:

    stuppea vincula collo Intendunt,

    Verg. A. 2, 237:

    duro intendere bracchia tergo,

    i. e. to bind with the cestus, id. ib. 5, 403:

    locum sertis,

    encircled, surrounded, id. ib. 4, 506:

    vela secundi Intendunt Zephyri,

    swell, fill, id. ib. 5, 33:

    intendentibus tenebris,

    spreading, Liv. 1, 57, 8.—
    To strain or stretch towards, to extend:

    aciem acrem in omnes partes intendit,

    turns keen looks on every side, Cic. Tusc. 4, 18, 38:

    aciem longius,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 80:

    quo intendisset oculos,

    whithersoever he turns his eyes, Tac. A. 4, 70:

    aures ad verba,

    Ov. P. 4, 4, 36: cum putaret licere senatui, et mitigare leges et intendere, to stretch, i. e. increase the rigor of, Plin. Ep. 4, 9, 17:

    numeros intendere nervis,

    Verg. A. 9, 776 (per nervos intentos, Forbig.); cf.:

    strepitum fidis intendisse Latinae,

    Pers. 6, 4.—
    To direct towards any thing, to turn or bend in any direction:

    digna est res ubi tu nervos intendas tuos,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 20:

    intendenda in senem est fallacia,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 2:

    ut eo quo intendit, cum exercitu mature perveniat,

    Cic. Mur. 9: iter, to direct one ' s course:

    ad explorandum quonam hostes iter intendissent,

    Liv. 31, 33, 6:

    a porta ad praetorem iter intendit,

    id. 36, 21:

    coeptum iter in Italiam,

    id. 21, 29, 6; 27, 46, 9.— Absol.:

    quo nunc primum intendam,

    whither shall I turn? Ter. And. 2, 2, 6.—
    Intendere animum, to direct one ' s thoughts or attention to any thing: quaero enim non quibus intendam rebus animum, sed, etc., Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 329, 6:

    parum defigunt animos et intendunt in ea, quae, etc.,

    id. Ac. 2, 15, 46:

    quo animum intendat, facile perspicio,

    id. Verr. 1, 3;

    Liv. praef. 9: intentus animus tuus est ad fortissimum virum liberandum,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 9:

    oculi mentesque ad pugnam intentae,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 26:

    in ea re omnium nostrorum intentis animis,

    id. ib. 3, 22:

    intendere animum in regnum Adherbalis,

    Sall. J. 20, 1:

    ad bellum animum intendit,

    id. ib. 43, 2:

    animum studiis et rebus honestis,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 36:

    considerationem in aliquam rem,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 33:

    omnes cogitationes ad aliquid,

    Liv. 40, 5:

    omnium eo curae sunt intentae,

    Liv. 9, 31; id. 25, 9:

    ad scribendum animum, oculos, manum,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 7: ubi ingenium intenderis, valet, Sall. J. 51, 3:

    eruditionem tuam,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 14. —
    Hence, intendere alone, to urge on, incite:

    intenderant eum ad cavendi omnia curam tot auditae proditiones,

    Liv. 24, 37:

    aliquem ad custodiae curam,

    id. 21, 49:

    vis omnis intendenda rebus,

    Quint. 10, 7, 21.—
    To enlarge, spread, extend, magnify:

    intendetur socordia, si nullus ex se metus aut spes,

    Tac. A. 2, 38:

    amici accendendis offensionibus callidi, intendere vera. adgerere falsa,

    exaggerated, id. ib. 2, 57;

    4, 11: gloriam,

    id. ib. 4, 26;

    12, 35: tormentum,

    Cels. 4, 15 init.
    Absol., to turn one ' s attention to, exert one ' s self for, to purpose, endeavor, intend:

    pergin, sceleste, intendere hanc arguere?

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 4, 27 Brix:

    quod est tibi ante explicandum, quam illuc proficiscare, quo te dicis intendere,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 42:

    quod ubi secus procedit, neque quod intenderat, efficere potest,

    Sall. J. 25, 10:

    quocumque intenderat,

    id. ib. 74, 2; cf. id. ib. 64, 1;

    102, 1: genera lectionum, quae praecipue convenire intendentibus, ut oratores fiant,

    Quint. 10, 1, 45:

    ad nuptias,

    Just. 13, 6.—
    With inf.:

    quo ire intenderant,

    Sall. J. 107, 7:

    altum petere intendit,

    Liv. 36, 44.—
    Intendere se, to exert one ' s self, prepare for any thing:

    se ad firmitatem,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 23:

    se in rem,

    Quint. 4, 1, 39: qui se intenderunt adversarios in ejus tribunatum, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 4, 2.—
    Intendere animo, to purpose in one ' s mind, to intend:

    si C. Antonius, quod animo intenderat, perficere potuisset,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 4, 9.—
    To maintain, assert:

    eam sese intendit esse,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 19.—Esp., as leg. t. t., to aver, maintain, assert as a plaintiff in court:

    quo modo nunc intendit,

    Cic. Quint. 29, 88: si quod intendit adversarius tuus, probationibus implere non possit, Vet. cujusd. Jurec. Consult. 6, 16 Huschke; Dig. 10, 4, 9, § 6. —
    To threaten with any thing, to seek to bring upon, to afflict with:

    alicui actionem perduellionis,

    Cic. Mil. 14:

    alicui litem,

    id. de Or. 1, 10:

    periculum in omnes,

    id. Rosc. Am. 3:

    crimen in aliquem,

    Liv. 9, 26:

    injuriarum formulam,

    Suet. Vit. 7:

    probra et minas alicui,

    Tac. A. 3, 36:

    metum intendere,

    id. ib. 1, 28.—
    Intendere in se, to contemplate one ' s self: quid sit Deus: totus in se intendat, an ad nos aliquando respiciat, Sen. Q. N. praef. 1.—
    Intendere alicui, to be intended for a person, Stat. S. 3 praef.—
    K. L.
    In gram., to make long, to use (a syllable) as long:

    primam syllabam intendit, tertiam corripuit,

    Gell. 13, 22. 18. — Hence, P. a. in two forms.
    inten-tus, a, um.
    On the stretch, strained, bent:


    Cic. Sen. 10, 37; Plin. 8, 8, 8, § 26.—
    B. (α).
    With dat.:

    quem pueri intenti ludo exercent,

    Verg. A. 7, 380:

    intentus recipiendo exercitui esse,

    Liv. 10, 42, 1.—
    With abl.:

    aliquo negotio intentus,

    Sall. C. 2; id. ib. 4; 54.—
    Absol., eager, intent:

    at Romani domi militiaeque intenti festinare,

    Sall. C. 6, 5:

    senatus nihil sane intentus,

    id. ib. 16, 5:

    intenti exspectant signum,

    Verg. A. 5, 137:

    intenti ora tenebant,

    id. ib. 2, 1:

    totam causam quam maxime intentis, quod aiunt, oculis contemplari,

    Cic. Fl. 11:

    intentaque tuis precibus se praebuit aure,

    Tib. 4, 1, 132. — Comp.:

    intentiore custodia aliquem asservare,

    Liv. 39, 19.— Sup.:

    cum intentissima conquisitione ad triginta milia peditum confecisset,

    Liv. 29, 35:

    intentissima cura aliquid consequi,

    Quint. 10, 1, 111:

    haec omnia intentissima cura acta,

    Liv. 25, 22, 4. —

    intentum et magnis delictis inexorabilem scias,

    Tac. A. 12, 42:

    intentius delectum habere,

    Liv. 8, 17:

    intentiorem fore disciplinam,

    Tac. A. 12, 42.—

    intento alimentorum pretio,

    Tac. H. 1, 89. —
    Of speech and style, vigorous, nervous:


    Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 255:

    pars orationis,

    id. ib. 2, 52, 211. — Adv.: in-tentē, with earnestness, attentively, intently:


    Plin. Ep. 5, 19:


    Quint. 2, 2, 13.— Comp. (cf. intense):

    cum delectus intentius haberetur,

    Liv. 8, 17:

    et quo intentius custodiae serventur,

    id. 25, 30, 5:

    apparare proelium,

    id. 8, 1:

    se excusare,

    Tac. A. 3, 35:

    premere obsessos,

    id. ib. 15, 13:

    adesse alicui rei,

    id. ib. 11, 11.— Sup.:

    exspectans intentissime,

    Lampr. Elag. 14. —
    intensus, a, um.
    Stretched, [p. 976] tightened, tight: per intensos funes ire, Sen. de Ira, 2, 13.—

    intensior impetus,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 35:

    virtus in mediocribus modice intensior,

    Nazar. Pan. ad Const. 23, 2.—
    Attentive; sup., Aug. Ep. 56 al.— Adv.: intensē, violently; comp.: intensius, Fronto de Fer. Als. 3 Mai.; Schol. Juv. 11, 15; sup.:


    Aug. Mor. Eccl. 19.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > intense

  • 18 intensus

    in-tendo, di, tum and sum, 3, v. a. ( part. intenditus, Fronto, Fer. Als. 3, 11 Mai.), to stretch out or forth, extend.
    In hunc intende digitum, hic lenost, point in scorn, Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 45:

    dextram ad statuam,

    Cic. Att. 16, 15:

    alicui manus,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 25:


    Ov. M. 10, 58:


    id. ib. 8, 107:

    jubet intendi bracchia velis,

    Verg. A. 5, 829:

    intenta bracchia remis, id. ib, 5, 136: ventis vela,

    id. ib. 3, 683:

    nervos aut remittere,

    Plin. 26, 10, 62, § 96:


    id. 8, 35, 53, § 125:

    jamque manus Colchis crinemque intenderat astris,

    Val. Fl. 8, 68.—
    To bend a bow, etc.:

    ballistam in aliquem,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 58:


    Verg. A. 8, 704:

    intentus est arcus in me unum,

    Cic. Sest. 7, 15.—
    To aim or direct at a thing:

    tela in patriam,

    Cic. Prov. Cons. 9:

    tela intenta jugulis civitatis,

    id. Pis. 2:


    Verg. A. 9, 590:

    telum in jugulum,

    Plin. Ep. 3, 9.—
    To stretch or spread out; to stretch, lay or put upon a thing:

    tabernacula carbaseis intenta velis,

    pitched, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 12, § 30; 2, 5, 31, § 80:

    sella intenta loris,

    Quint. 6, 3, 25:

    stuppea vincula collo Intendunt,

    Verg. A. 2, 237:

    duro intendere bracchia tergo,

    i. e. to bind with the cestus, id. ib. 5, 403:

    locum sertis,

    encircled, surrounded, id. ib. 4, 506:

    vela secundi Intendunt Zephyri,

    swell, fill, id. ib. 5, 33:

    intendentibus tenebris,

    spreading, Liv. 1, 57, 8.—
    To strain or stretch towards, to extend:

    aciem acrem in omnes partes intendit,

    turns keen looks on every side, Cic. Tusc. 4, 18, 38:

    aciem longius,

    id. Ac. 2, 25, 80:

    quo intendisset oculos,

    whithersoever he turns his eyes, Tac. A. 4, 70:

    aures ad verba,

    Ov. P. 4, 4, 36: cum putaret licere senatui, et mitigare leges et intendere, to stretch, i. e. increase the rigor of, Plin. Ep. 4, 9, 17:

    numeros intendere nervis,

    Verg. A. 9, 776 (per nervos intentos, Forbig.); cf.:

    strepitum fidis intendisse Latinae,

    Pers. 6, 4.—
    To direct towards any thing, to turn or bend in any direction:

    digna est res ubi tu nervos intendas tuos,

    Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 20:

    intendenda in senem est fallacia,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 2:

    ut eo quo intendit, cum exercitu mature perveniat,

    Cic. Mur. 9: iter, to direct one ' s course:

    ad explorandum quonam hostes iter intendissent,

    Liv. 31, 33, 6:

    a porta ad praetorem iter intendit,

    id. 36, 21:

    coeptum iter in Italiam,

    id. 21, 29, 6; 27, 46, 9.— Absol.:

    quo nunc primum intendam,

    whither shall I turn? Ter. And. 2, 2, 6.—
    Intendere animum, to direct one ' s thoughts or attention to any thing: quaero enim non quibus intendam rebus animum, sed, etc., Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 329, 6:

    parum defigunt animos et intendunt in ea, quae, etc.,

    id. Ac. 2, 15, 46:

    quo animum intendat, facile perspicio,

    id. Verr. 1, 3;

    Liv. praef. 9: intentus animus tuus est ad fortissimum virum liberandum,

    Cic. Phil. 11, 9:

    oculi mentesque ad pugnam intentae,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 26:

    in ea re omnium nostrorum intentis animis,

    id. ib. 3, 22:

    intendere animum in regnum Adherbalis,

    Sall. J. 20, 1:

    ad bellum animum intendit,

    id. ib. 43, 2:

    animum studiis et rebus honestis,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 36:

    considerationem in aliquam rem,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 33:

    omnes cogitationes ad aliquid,

    Liv. 40, 5:

    omnium eo curae sunt intentae,

    Liv. 9, 31; id. 25, 9:

    ad scribendum animum, oculos, manum,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 7: ubi ingenium intenderis, valet, Sall. J. 51, 3:

    eruditionem tuam,

    Plin. Ep. 7, 27, 14. —
    Hence, intendere alone, to urge on, incite:

    intenderant eum ad cavendi omnia curam tot auditae proditiones,

    Liv. 24, 37:

    aliquem ad custodiae curam,

    id. 21, 49:

    vis omnis intendenda rebus,

    Quint. 10, 7, 21.—
    To enlarge, spread, extend, magnify:

    intendetur socordia, si nullus ex se metus aut spes,

    Tac. A. 2, 38:

    amici accendendis offensionibus callidi, intendere vera. adgerere falsa,

    exaggerated, id. ib. 2, 57;

    4, 11: gloriam,

    id. ib. 4, 26;

    12, 35: tormentum,

    Cels. 4, 15 init.
    Absol., to turn one ' s attention to, exert one ' s self for, to purpose, endeavor, intend:

    pergin, sceleste, intendere hanc arguere?

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 4, 27 Brix:

    quod est tibi ante explicandum, quam illuc proficiscare, quo te dicis intendere,

    Cic. de Or. 2, 42:

    quod ubi secus procedit, neque quod intenderat, efficere potest,

    Sall. J. 25, 10:

    quocumque intenderat,

    id. ib. 74, 2; cf. id. ib. 64, 1;

    102, 1: genera lectionum, quae praecipue convenire intendentibus, ut oratores fiant,

    Quint. 10, 1, 45:

    ad nuptias,

    Just. 13, 6.—
    With inf.:

    quo ire intenderant,

    Sall. J. 107, 7:

    altum petere intendit,

    Liv. 36, 44.—
    Intendere se, to exert one ' s self, prepare for any thing:

    se ad firmitatem,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 23:

    se in rem,

    Quint. 4, 1, 39: qui se intenderunt adversarios in ejus tribunatum, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 4, 2.—
    Intendere animo, to purpose in one ' s mind, to intend:

    si C. Antonius, quod animo intenderat, perficere potuisset,

    Cic. Phil. 10, 4, 9.—
    To maintain, assert:

    eam sese intendit esse,

    Ter. Eun. 3, 3, 19.—Esp., as leg. t. t., to aver, maintain, assert as a plaintiff in court:

    quo modo nunc intendit,

    Cic. Quint. 29, 88: si quod intendit adversarius tuus, probationibus implere non possit, Vet. cujusd. Jurec. Consult. 6, 16 Huschke; Dig. 10, 4, 9, § 6. —
    To threaten with any thing, to seek to bring upon, to afflict with:

    alicui actionem perduellionis,

    Cic. Mil. 14:

    alicui litem,

    id. de Or. 1, 10:

    periculum in omnes,

    id. Rosc. Am. 3:

    crimen in aliquem,

    Liv. 9, 26:

    injuriarum formulam,

    Suet. Vit. 7:

    probra et minas alicui,

    Tac. A. 3, 36:

    metum intendere,

    id. ib. 1, 28.—
    Intendere in se, to contemplate one ' s self: quid sit Deus: totus in se intendat, an ad nos aliquando respiciat, Sen. Q. N. praef. 1.—
    Intendere alicui, to be intended for a person, Stat. S. 3 praef.—
    K. L.
    In gram., to make long, to use (a syllable) as long:

    primam syllabam intendit, tertiam corripuit,

    Gell. 13, 22. 18. — Hence, P. a. in two forms.
    inten-tus, a, um.
    On the stretch, strained, bent:


    Cic. Sen. 10, 37; Plin. 8, 8, 8, § 26.—
    B. (α).
    With dat.:

    quem pueri intenti ludo exercent,

    Verg. A. 7, 380:

    intentus recipiendo exercitui esse,

    Liv. 10, 42, 1.—
    With abl.:

    aliquo negotio intentus,

    Sall. C. 2; id. ib. 4; 54.—
    Absol., eager, intent:

    at Romani domi militiaeque intenti festinare,

    Sall. C. 6, 5:

    senatus nihil sane intentus,

    id. ib. 16, 5:

    intenti exspectant signum,

    Verg. A. 5, 137:

    intenti ora tenebant,

    id. ib. 2, 1:

    totam causam quam maxime intentis, quod aiunt, oculis contemplari,

    Cic. Fl. 11:

    intentaque tuis precibus se praebuit aure,

    Tib. 4, 1, 132. — Comp.:

    intentiore custodia aliquem asservare,

    Liv. 39, 19.— Sup.:

    cum intentissima conquisitione ad triginta milia peditum confecisset,

    Liv. 29, 35:

    intentissima cura aliquid consequi,

    Quint. 10, 1, 111:

    haec omnia intentissima cura acta,

    Liv. 25, 22, 4. —

    intentum et magnis delictis inexorabilem scias,

    Tac. A. 12, 42:

    intentius delectum habere,

    Liv. 8, 17:

    intentiorem fore disciplinam,

    Tac. A. 12, 42.—

    intento alimentorum pretio,

    Tac. H. 1, 89. —
    Of speech and style, vigorous, nervous:


    Cic. de Or. 1, 60, 255:

    pars orationis,

    id. ib. 2, 52, 211. — Adv.: in-tentē, with earnestness, attentively, intently:


    Plin. Ep. 5, 19:


    Quint. 2, 2, 13.— Comp. (cf. intense):

    cum delectus intentius haberetur,

    Liv. 8, 17:

    et quo intentius custodiae serventur,

    id. 25, 30, 5:

    apparare proelium,

    id. 8, 1:

    se excusare,

    Tac. A. 3, 35:

    premere obsessos,

    id. ib. 15, 13:

    adesse alicui rei,

    id. ib. 11, 11.— Sup.:

    exspectans intentissime,

    Lampr. Elag. 14. —
    intensus, a, um.
    Stretched, [p. 976] tightened, tight: per intensos funes ire, Sen. de Ira, 2, 13.—

    intensior impetus,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 35:

    virtus in mediocribus modice intensior,

    Nazar. Pan. ad Const. 23, 2.—
    Attentive; sup., Aug. Ep. 56 al.— Adv.: intensē, violently; comp.: intensius, Fronto de Fer. Als. 3 Mai.; Schol. Juv. 11, 15; sup.:


    Aug. Mor. Eccl. 19.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > intensus

  • 19 lap

    اِرْتَطَم برِفْق \ lap: (of waves) to beat (the shore, the side of a boat, etc.) gently, with a sound like an animal drinking: The water was lapping against the rock. \ حِجْر \ lap: the upper part of the legs (of sb. sitting) where a child or object may be placed: The book lay in my lap. My son sat on my lap. \ حِضْن \ lap: the upper part of the legs (of sb. sitting) where a child or object may be placed: The book lay in my lap. My son sat on my lap. \ دَوْرَة سِبَاق \ lap: one complete course round a track (in a race where several courses must be completed). \ طَبْطبَ (الماء)‏ \ lap: (of waves) to beat (the shore, the side of a boat, etc.) gently, with a sound like an animal drinking: The water was lapping against the rock. \ وَلَغَ \ lap: (of animals) to drink sth. by taking it up with the tongue: The cat lapped up the milk.

    Arabic-English glossary > lap

  • 20 dēiciō or dēiiciō

        dēiciō or dēiiciō iēcī, iectus, ere    [de + iacio], to throw down, hurl down, precipitate, prostrate, raze, fell, cut down, tear down, destroy: alqm de ponte in Tiberim: alqm de saxo (Tarpeio), L.: a cervicibus iugum: se de muro, leap, Cs.: saxi deiectae vertice caprae, V.: se per munitiones, leap over, Cs.: venti a montibus se deiciunt, L.: volnerato equo deiectus, Cs.: statuas veterum hominum: naves deiciendi operis missae, to destroy, Cs.: monumenta regis, H.: muros, L.: ut omnes Hermae deicerentur, N.: deiectā turri, Cs.: caput uno ictu, V.; libellos, to tear down: sortīs, to cast, Cs.: deiectis lacrimis, shed, Pr.—Poet., with dat: Gyan leto, V.—Prov.: de gradu deici (orig. of a gladiator), to be thrown off one's balance, i. e. lose one's head.—To drive out, dislodge, expel: nostri deiecti sunt loco, Cs.: praesidium ex saltu, Cs.: Gallorum agmen ex rupe Tarpeiā, L.: praesidium Claternā.— To drive out, turn out of possession, eject, dispossess: unde sis deiectus: ex eo loco.— Pass: deici, to be driven out of one's course: naves ad inferiorem partem insulae, Cs.: classis tempestate vexata ad Belearīs insulas deicitur, L. — To lay low, strike down, kill, slay, slaughter: paucis deiectis, Cs.: quem telo primum Deicis? V.: (viperam) Deice, crush, V.: super iuvencum stabat deiectum leo, Ph.— To lower, let fall, de press: in pectora mentum, O.—Fig., to cast down: oculos: voltum, V.: deiectus oculos, with downcast eyes, V.: Deiecto in humum voltu, O.— To remove, avert, divert, turn away, repel: hunc metum Siciliae damnatione istius: oculos a re p.: quantum mali de humanā condicione: vitia a se ratione: eum de sententiā.— To prevent from obtaining, deprive, rob of: de possessione imperi vos, L.: principatu, Cs.: eā spe, Cs.: deiecta coniuge tanto, V.: uxore deiectā (sc. coniugio), Ta.: hoc deiecto, after his fall, N.—In elections, to defeat, disappoint, prevent the choice of: me aedilitate: eiusdem pecuniā de honore deici: civis optimus praeturā deiectus: deiectis honore per coitionem, L.

    Latin-English dictionary > dēiciō or dēiiciō

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  • To lay one's self out — Lay Lay (l[=a]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Laid} (l[=a]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Laying}.] [OE. leggen, AS. lecgan, causative, fr. licgan to lie; akin to D. leggen, G. legen, Icel. leggja, Goth. lagjan. See {Lie} to be prostrate.] 1. To cause to lie down,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lay a course — phrasal or lay one s course 1. : to sail toward the point intended without tacking 2. : to sail in a certain direction : head * * * lay a course (nautical) To succeed in sailing to the place required without tacking • • • Main Entry: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lay — (l[=a]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Laid} (l[=a]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Laying}.] [OE. leggen, AS. lecgan, causative, fr. licgan to lie; akin to D. leggen, G. legen, Icel. leggja, Goth. lagjan. See {Lie} to be prostrate.] 1. To cause to lie down, to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lay — lay1 [lā] vt. laid, laying [ME leyen, new formation < 3d pers. sing. of earlier leggen < OE lecgan, lit., to make lie (akin to Goth lagjan, Ger legen) < pt. base of OE licgan, to LIE1] 1. to cause to come down or fall with force; knock… …   English World dictionary

  • lay, lie — Lay means to place and is a transitive verb requiring an object. Lie, in the context here, means to recline, is intransitive, and takes no object. I shall lay the rug on the floor. Please lie down here. The principal parts of lay are lay, laid,… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • lay — I. /leɪ / (say lay) verb (laid, laying) –verb (t) 1. to put or place in a position of rest or recumbency: to lay a book on a desk. 2. to bring, throw, or beat down, as from an erect position: to lay a person low. 3. to cause to subside: to lay… …  

  • course — /kawrs, kohrs/, n., v., coursed, coursing. n. 1. a direction or route taken or to be taken. 2. the path, route, or channel along which anything moves: the course of a stream. 3. advance or progression in a particular direction; forward or onward… …   Universalium

  • course — [[t]kɔrs, koʊrs[/t]] n. v. coursed, cours•ing 1) a direction or route taken or to be taken 2) the path, route, or channel along which anything moves: the course of a stream[/ex] 3) advance or progression in a particular direction 4) the… …   From formal English to slang

  • Lay speaker — A lay speaker is a position in the United Methodist Church for the laity. Technically, a lay speaker is a “member of a local church … who is ready … to serve the Church.” Generally, lay speakers are leaders in the United Methodist Church on local …   Wikipedia

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